Leadership/spirit (Suggested Core Build Tweaks)

Questlogs using this decklist
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None. Self-made deck here.
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Foozie22 1

Really just some minor tweaks to the Leadership/Spirit deck thats suggested in the revised rulebook. Have beaten Journey Along The Anduin with this deck. Kind of hit or miss though, it you dont draw or mulligan The Galadhrim's Greeting,or Gandalf then you have your work cut out for you, usually ending in a loss. But if you can manage to take some threat off in beginning of the second round then everything really becomes manageable. Plenty of blockers in the deck, and if you get Steward of Gondor going you won't worry much for resources to bring cards in to protect you, if you draw Celebrían's Stone as well then you dont need to rely on Théodred pumping resource to Éowyn. Lórien Guide, Northern Tracker, and Snowbourn Scout all help with questing, along with Faramir so you don't spend too long in stage 2. Finally there seems to be enough fire power to get you through stage 3 as well, but from my experiences the deck has usually hit its stride by then making clearing out stage 3 fairly easy, or I have already lost. The Stand and Fight Beorn trick I have been using to enough success to keep it in. Wouldn't call this a built deck but its my first time working some of my own preferences, along with ideas from other deck builders into a deck. All tips, or suggestions are welcome.