2P Hobbit Bond

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Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

DunYoss 63

This deck assumes a combat-focused partner to keep most enemies away (except to occasionally activate Sam Gamgee and Raise the Shire). If playing solo, make the following updates. Replace one Red Book of Westmarch and Send for Aid with two Steward of Gondor. Replace DĂșnedain Cache and Power of Command with Hobbit Cloaks and/or Staff of Lebethron. Replace The Galadhrim's Greeting with Inner Strength. Replace both Secret Vigil with Feint and Ring Mail or another Bywater Shirriff. Maybe make room for Henamarth Riversong and/or Firyal since they both shine in solo play.

Fast Hitch and Fatty Lumpkin both go on Merry. The first lets you get his questing in addition to combat. The second enables either extra attacks or Thorongil for threat reduction.

Lily Cotton loves to combo with Halfast Gamgee and Odo Proudfoot.

The rest is pretty self explanatory.