This deck is part of Mormegil’s Deckbox, an effort to create an extensive catalogue of decks for the different archetypes, themes and playing styles available to players. Click here to check out the whole project.
Preferred Player Count: 2-4, (1)
Rating: .5
Here is my take on the Gondor archetype for multiplayer. As with the solo deck, you rely on Denethor and Erestor to give you an explosive start to maximize your ally-swarming, however the third hero is Faramir as your Messenger of the King instead of Boromir, making this deck primarily a questing deck with somewhat reduced combat capabilities. It quests even better than the solo version however, often carrying a big part of the questing load for the table through the potential readying of Faramir (Heir of Mardil, Leather Boots) and Visionary Leadership coupled with the high amount of allies you can play quickly.
How To Play
In my opening hand, I love to see everything that enables a quick and sustainable swarm. This means resource acceleration (Legacy of Númenor or The Seeing-stone to fetch it is something I target especially, Steward of Gondor and A Very Good Tale are very nice to see as well). From there on, the deck plays incredibly simple - pump out allies, boost them, quest with them for a lot and maybe keep some characters back to help out with combat/healing a little.
Knight of the White Tower is a fine card if you want to give the deck a little more heft, which can usually be covered by other players (since you will do a lot if not most questing) however. Favor of the Valar, Captain's Wisdom and Gaining Strength are all alternatives if threat worries you, the first being an include in addition to Legacy of Númenor, the other two a replacement for it as well as The Seeing-stone. Man the Walls I like in 4-player games but don't see a place for elsewhere here.