Questlogs using this decklist | |
None. |
Fellowships using this decklist | |
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Derived from |
None. Self-made deck here. |
Inspiration for | ||||
The Steward's peace | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2.0 |
Card draw simulator |
0% –
0% –
Gameplay simulator | ||
In Play
Discard Pile
Troglo 45
Here is a deck that I use against the scenario The Steward's Fear.
Mulligan for Steward of Gondor (attach it to Haldan), and play Treebeard, Ghân-buri-Ghân, Faramir as soon as possible thanks to Elf-stone
Attach as many cards as you can to active locations
Use Henamarth Riversong and Firyal for scrying / discarding or planning Expecting Mischief
Play Bulwark of the West and / or Elrond to discard Local trouble, and Put Off Pursuit to get Umbar Assassin out shuffled in the encounter deck
Mirkwood Explorer's ability helps to clear active locations faster (it's very important if the Plot revealed in 2A is Up in Flames) and synergizes nicely with The Hidden Way
Plan to attach Ranger Spikes to ennemies that you can not one-shoot down with Expecting Mischief (like Lossarnach Bandit)
Play Snowbourn Scout to accelerate the exploration of locations, then chump-block with them.