Stroll for a Troll

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Card draw simulator
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

tigormiti 901

This is a questing trap deck based on the Emyn Arnen Ranger + Followed combo. The other distinguishing feature is the scrying options : Firyal, Dúnedain Hunter, Henamarth Riversong, Wait no Longer, that allow you to better control which enemy is going into the traps. Typically, you want to trap the highest threat enemies, whether it’s for Secret Vigil, Interrogation or Followed.

Card draw is surprisingly good. I went through the whole deck in my last 5 games. The combination of Damrod, Pippin, Legolas, Master of the Forge and Daeron's Runes is really effective.

Economy-wise, Mablung is a beast. He gets Song of Wisdom. Master of Lore is also pretty good, especially in a turtling deck like this one. It’s always a good feeling when you pay only 1 resource for Forest Snare.

To make things safe, you’ll rely on Coney in a Trap. Since this card requires a warrior, you want to put into play either Legolas or Mighty Warrior.

For testing, I went 2/3 against Journey Down the Anduin, and 4/5 against The Morgul Vale. The deck is solid, and performed surprisingly well (didn’t need to tweak it much).