Big Numbers


I took a hiatus at the release of Carn Dum. By the time I returned to the game, Grey Havens was out. And in any case that stuff was all designed when CD came out, and also progression style is a tedious and artificial impediment. These six heroes have been BFF's ever since, and the decks have changed incrementally with the release of good cards. Sideboard cards should be self-identifying for relevant quests. Let me know about any questions, suggestions, or your own successes.

  • CL


Mulligan for a Gondorian Shield, first on Boromir. You want to vacuum as many enemies towards yourself to protect BBN. After Gondorian Shield, you want Legolas for that juicy card advantage. Ponies go on Aragorn, to keep those pulls working. Save Beregond, Feint, Grimbold, and The Wizards's Voice for bailing other players out, or preventing a swing that would body a hero. Endgame, don't be afraid of the Honour Guard's Valour Response if it will save you some action advantage or threat. Don't use the Dúnedain Hunters in Sailing quests, you don't need to pull that much heat unnecessarily. Gandalf is for threat reduction, if BBN can't find their The Galadhrim's Greeting. You'll be able to hard cast him if you don't tap yourself out, but it's normally not a problem. Vassals and Boromir let you keep up with sailing tests, or you can drop in Eagles of the Misty Mountains if your Vassals stick around long enough.

With the resources from BBN, this deck can provide solid defense and big board clears in a few turns. Basically, just be cool, tank up, and hit back with a vengeance. The road to Mordor will be paved with the bones of your foes.


Mulligan for Nenya, and hopefully either a Pelargir Shipwright, Elven-light, or a Sailor of Lune. If you don't get Nenya, then feel free to tweak either player's threat as necessary with Galadriel's passive. Your second Unexpected Courage goes on Galadriel, the first is saved for Beregond or Aragorn, depending on the nature of scenario's enemies. More weenies = Aragorn; few buff enemies = Beregond. Light of Valinor goes on Círdan the Shipwright, and whether you dig for Narya with Mirror of Galadriel or just normal draws, drop it only when BRN can get some use of it. Save Tale of Tinúviel for some Círdan the Shipwright - Aragorn Bromance. One of the Ghân-buri-Ghân is actually an Ioreth, but she's not yet in the database.

Basically, you quest. You do it very well, and you have some of the strongest cards available to your spheres. You can also keep people alive with staggering competency. And you can keep both decks on tempo, slanging that good-good whenever someone needs to drop a key ally.

Possible adds for Big Blue Numbers? Maybe The Evening Star, for more control goodness, or Woodland Courier. If you're willing to add some more risk, Deep Knowledge is probably the way to go, just to give the best chances of getting key attachments early on.


Oct 02, 2016 mister trench 10

So it has been brought to my attention that Dúnedain Hunters do not proc the Boarding keyword when they track down ships. Feel free to include them in your Sailing adventures, and please thank Sappidus for this beneficent insight. Happy hunting!