Skin Changers, now with more bears!

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Pavic 37

This deck has been through several iterations, but with Giant Bear coming out in Fire in the Night, I think it has really come into its own. The goal of this deck is simply to over run the encounter deck with strong allies, and while not quite as effective as The One Deck by Seastan, I think it does a respectable job overall.

The goal of this deck is to get Beorning Skin-changer into play as soon as possible, preferably turn one. A turn one Beorning Skin-changer will also require an Errand-rider, but a turn two Beorning Skin-changer is still sufficient, as the powerful group of heroes can hold their own quite well initially. Once Beorning Skin-changer is out, he should be used immediately in the following combat phase to bring out Beorn or Giant Bear. At this point, overwhelming the encounter deck via A Very Good Tale can begin, and if you have a good hand, this could be as early as turn 2. The first A Very Good Tale will usually be with one low cost ally and the recently brought in Beorn or Giant Bear, but if you happen to have a Sneak Attack, this is an opportune to time to use it to bring out a high cost ally to use with A Very Good Tale. Gandalf is of course the best choice for this Sneak Attack, but any high cost ally will do. The best part about using the Sneak Attack route is that you can wait until any action phase to use the Sneak Attack and A Very Good Tale combo. I have had numerous early game turns in which I am able to Sneak Attack in a high cost ally, exhaust the that ally and Beorn or Giant Bear, resulting in the drop of 10 additional resources worth of allies. I usually lament losing three or even four cards in this way, but with Stand and Fight and Will of the West in the deck, one has plenty of options to recover those cards. Stand and Fight is of particular note, as this card can be used to quickly recover a discarded Beorning Skin-changer, which can then be discarded for Beorn or Giant Bear.

I don't think I need to make any special points about the other cards in this deck, but I would note that Steward of Gondor should go on Éowyn. This will allow you to maximize the effectiveness of a late game Stand and Fight. It should also be noted that Errand-rider can be used to spread the resource love from Steward of Gondor to Gildor Inglorion and Grimbeorn the Old as needed.

This decks greatest weakness is the lack of healing. I was using three copies Warden of Healing, replacing many of the buff attachments of Grimbeorn the Old. I found I could often get them out via A Very Good Tale and Stand and Fight, especially since I could use Éowyn to ditch them if they made it into my hand, but the choice was often frustrating. That being said, they really could be a true sideboard card.

Other options that one could consider is dropping the attachment buffs for more unique allies, like Glorfindel, Prince Imrahil, or even Firyal if you are feeling dangerous.

As always, critiques and thoughts are appreciated.