Shadowless Defenders

Questlogs using this decklist
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Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Drew-Buri-Drew 69

The goal of this deck is to defend attacks so as to take little to no damage and avoid shadow effects. This is done primarily using by engaging enemies with engagement costs higher than your threat. With a starting threat of just 23, this can be easily done. Sam Gamgee's ability allows him to ready to defend attacks when engaging an enemy with a higher engagement cost than your threat. He also receives a +1 boost when his ability triggers. Attachments such as A Burning Brand cancel any shadow effects dealt to the attacking enemy, while Staff of Lebethron can be used to discards shadow cards. When Sam's ability triggers, he will also be able to make use of Hobbit Cloak, which will give him an additional +2 . The only setup required for any of these would be a Song of Wisdom on Sam for A Burning Brand. A Burning Brand could also be played on Bifur. Dúnedain Warning can boost Sam's defense even further, and Fast Hitch can be used to give Sam extra uses each round. Steward of Gondor can accelerate resource accumulation, which allows for resources to be passed to Bifur using his ability.

Allies such as Anborn and Mablung can increase an enemy's engagement cost, while Eldahir's ability can be used to look at a facedown shadow card dealt to an enemy. Bill the Pony provides Sam with an additional hit point, and the Warden of Healing can heal any damage that slips through and damages the characters in play.

Théodred helps with resource acceleration and fixing. Envoy of Pelargir also aids with resource fixing. Henamarth Riversong can be used to scout out the top card of the encounter deck, whether that card be the next card revealed while questing or a shadow card that could be discarded or used for Eldahir's ability. Gléowine provides some card draw and Quickbeam covers all the bases as a backup defender and strong attacker or quester. Gandalf can reduce your threat to help those engagement cost abilities to continue to trigger. Daeron's Runes can dig deeper into your deck and allow you to discard unneeded duplicates of unique cards, and Sneak Attack can be used to sneak Gandalf or another power ally into play for one phase.

This deck is designed for solo play.


Jan 31, 2019 Wandalf the Gizzard 2428

You should try ally Halbarad if he's in your collection. Neat deck!

Jan 31, 2019 Drew-Buri-Drew 69

Halbarad's ability would be a great combo with Staff of Lebethron and/or Hobbit Cloak. Thanks for the suggestion!