Carn Dum Progression Solo Conqueror

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Zura 297

Hey, i did it. Carn Dum Solo in progression mode. Tried two decks beforehand (Went in blind with victory display deck first, caldara second), but this is the one to stick. Even in my loses, it never felt like it's not pulling it's weight.

Strategy: We need to assemble super Aragorn. He wants A Burning Brand, one or two Unexpected Courage, Blood of Númenor or Protector of Lórien (preferably both) and Steward of Gondor. That's a lot to ask, but that's why all the draw is there. Beravor, Deep Knowledge, Daeron's Runes, Master of the Forge, even Peace, and Thought. You can get there, and once you do, the scenario starts feeling A LOT more safer. To play steward, we of course do use our A Good Harvest. But to get to super Aragorn, we need to survive first. We have Aragorn threat reduction to use if our threat starts getting out of control, but we also need to cover stuff. I usually clear the battle quest location by starting off with Quickbeam and questing with him, Aragorn and Idraen. If you make it, you then get to ready Idraen, which can save your life if the small 2 attack orc with 8 engagement happens to be in the staging area. Those guys can get +3atk from shadow pretty often, but with defending that single attack Idraen you should be safe. If you get stuck on battle questing, if you drew into Saruman, he can allow you to push it, negating highest threat card and questing for 5. Wouldn't run another one though. The major facet that needs to be covered is questing, other than battle. We run different allies, but most of them in 2 or even 1 copies. That's due to treacheries targetting multiples in this scenario. Normally i would run 3rd swordsman definietely. But it was fine as it is. You can see a lot of tech one-offs, but if you survive the initial onslaught the draw will be insane and you can get most of those one offs. Shadows Give Way is to be played before moving on to the second round with A Good Harvest.