Smoke Some Pipes

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Smoke Some Pipes 4 0 4 2.0
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Grishnákh 85

Grishnákh has a newer deck inspired by this one: Smoke Some Pipes

Feedback and suggestions are welcome!

Mulligan for Hobbit Pipe or at least Bilbo Baggins. Setting up your Hobbit Pipes as fast as possible is crucial to keep your card draw up. Chump Bilbo Baggins if you draw into another copy. Resourceful is also a good catch in your starting hand. Peace, and Thought and Drinking Song song help you fetch the missing Hobbit Pipes and Resourcefuls.

It's important to stay in secrecy to pay for the secrecy allies and Risk Some Light. These help you a lot to control the encounter deck and be fully prepared for what's to come.

Frodo Baggins gets Hobbit Pipe, 1x Resourceful, 2x Fast Hitch, Friend of Friends, Mithril Shirt, Good Meal and Song of Eärendil. He is the priority for Resourceful. He ends up being a sentinel defender with 4 and 1 damage negation.

Folco Boffin gets Hobbit Pipe, 1x Resourceful, 1x Fast Hitch, Friend of Friends and Glamdring. He will have a fierce bite while fooling around with Gandalf's sword, a whopping 5!

Pippin gets Hobbit Pipe, 1x Resourceful.

The allies mostly solely help with questing. Having 3x Ithilien Lookout in play adds some good attack power and possibly Sam Gamgee. Frodo Baggins always has defence covered and with the allies and Folco Boffin, attack is also covered. This way you can quite regularly engage enemies.

With all the threat reduction it's nice to take some threat from teammates through Song of Eärendil. Good Meal helps you play Smoke Rings and especially The Galadhrim's Greeting.