Idraen's Challenge (solo!)

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Feta Cheese 101

If there is one hero we haven't seen enough of, it's Idraen. Especially solo Idraen decks. She's forever stuck in location control decks and typically reserved for multiplayer games only. Frankly, I think that's a shame. Kawaii dunedain deserve better.

This is a deck designed for solo play, roughly based on similar Boromir decks, except Idraen here replaces Boromir and we end up with a mono-Spirit deck with a fair amount of splash cards. I have tested this deck against Nightmare Journey Down the Anduin and successfully finished it multiple times. While the deck is strong, it is not Boromir-strong, but nothing really is. The point of this deck is having fun with Idraen, in ways more than one.

Glorfindel and Idraen, boosted by the occasional Ranger of Cardolan and Tale of Tinúviel handle the attack part. Guardian of Rivendell is a surprisingly powerful defender, especially when paired with Arwen (4 def, 3 HP and sentinel will handle most enemies). Idraen can also assume defensive duties with Blood of Númenor and Steward of Gondor attached to her. Questing, as long as no siege keyword is involved, is super easy with Pelargir Shipwright and a large inherent hero willpower score.

Location control is handled with Asfaloth and to a lesser extend Northern Tracker. Remember to time your location clearing properly to trigger Idraen. Card Draw effects include Galadriel herself (you have enough willpower to draw even in the early turns), Mirror of Galadriel for card cycling, and Elven-light. Elven-light can be discarded with Guardian of Rivendell, the mirror and finally Imladris Caregiver, which is why I didn't include Warden of Healing. You may want to replace the caregiver and elven light with Warden of Healing and Ancient Mathom instead. Steward of Gondor along with Blood of Númenor go on Idraen.

Keep in mind your allies do not exhaust to quest the round they enter play thanks to Galadriel. Pelargir Shipwright can handle an occasional defence this way. Gandalf can be particularly nasty.

The target of your Tale of Tinúviel must be exhausted before he or she can be boosted (similar to Flame of Anor).


Jun 24, 2016 Lecitadin 193

''The point of this deck is having fun with Idraen, in ways more than one..."

That's what he said.