Grimbeorn-Éowyn-Théoden Three Hunters

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Grimbeorn-Éowyn-Théoden Three Hunters 2 2 0 2.0
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nelloianiro 1025

nelloianiro has a newer deck inspired by this one: Grimbeorn-Éowyn-Théoden Three Hunters

This deck can be very effective if you play it right. I wanted to make a Forth, The Three Hunters! deck that had excellent questing and this is what I came up with.

Grimbeorn the Old

He is your main attacker and defender.

Give him The One Ring, bring out Strength and Courage. Give him Golden Belt, Raiment of War, Inner Strength, Vigilant Guard, Raven-winged Helm, Arod, and War Axe. The goal is to get him to 4 , 9-12 , 5 and 9 . You could even give him Unexpected Courage and quest with him.


He is your utility, attacking, defending, or questing when needed, but his attack is usually gonna be his best attribute at the end of the game.

Give him whatever you feel like he needs, usually Herugrim, just make sure to give Éowyn Snowmane, because you want it to be restricted.


She quests every time, unless you are questing with Grimbeorn the Old and Théoden.

Give her Windfola, Golden Shield, Snowmane, Golden Belt, Thorongil and Silver Circlet.



Apr 27, 2021 Beorn 13862

I like this deck quite a bit. Finding Song of Travel early seems critical to avoid a bunch of dead Spirit cards in your hand. I don't know if you are open to including ALeP cards in your decks, but Need Brooks No Delay is a perfect fit for this deck. You have two Rohan heroes, so it only costs 2 Tactics resources, and you can use it play out of sphere Spirit cards even if you haven't found Song of Travel yet. Most importantly, it lets you search the top 10 cards of your deck for whichever attachment is most helpful in the moment.

Apr 27, 2021 nelloianiro 1025

@Beorn Thanks a lot for the comment. I really like the ALeP cards but I find myself never putting them in decks, mostly for the reason that I'm not used to them and since Rohan discard is it's main purpose I sometimes overlook the other cards in the expansion. Need Brooks No Delay makes a ton of sense.

I'm not too worried about not getting a Thorongil or Song of Travel because I have three of each in this deck. Even with that being said, I tried to make this deck not have to rely on it's cards too too much, that's why I added a bunch of restricted attachments that you could even attach to Éowyn if need be, because flipping the contract is very crucial. Besides, if you quest with Éowyn and Théoden without any attachments you still quest 8.

Apr 27, 2021 doomguard 2121

would include Book of Eldacar else, nice "mono"-tactikdeck an usage of tactictheoden.

if somebody is afraid of not getting spirit soon, start with eowyn or theoden in spirit and then thorongil.

Apr 27, 2021 nelloianiro 1025

@doomguard I was thinking about using Book of Eldacar, but I decided against it because I wanted to stack this deck with restricted attachments and I didn't want to cut anything.

Apr 28, 2021 doomguard 2121

o.k. but consider Rohan Warhorse it is restricted and a 2. attack is very usable if no better targest i would cut Arod he is not very useful and not restricted.

Apr 28, 2021 nelloianiro 1025

That makes sense.