Temple of Doom Solo Progression

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Card draw simulator
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Copterman 1045

DECK NAME - Fortune and Glory

OVERVIEW - This quest is particularly difficult to win consistently in true solo. The Power of Mordor deck presents various challenges that can wipe out a deck in a number of ways. After many plays (and losses) I have come to see the following dangers as the greatest threats in this scenario:

  1. How will you defend against Thane Ulchor attacks?
  2. How will you counter the discard effect in Shrine to Sauron?
  3. How will you get past the early high threat levels in the staging area?
  4. How will you keep from threating out due to "Under the Watchful Eye" and "Covered in Darkness"?
  5. How will you handle archery and the Easterling enemies?

This deck has answers for all of these issues.



  • SETUP - cards you want to mulligan for are Elven Jeweler, To the Sea, to the Sea!, and Reforged / Steward of Gondor
  • FIRST ROUND - Erestor's ability combined with Galadriel's will result in 11 opening card. Some things you'd love to see happen during this first turn are: 1) get as many Elven Jewelers into play as you can, 2) discard Steward of Gondor and attach to Galadriel using Reforged, 3) play Elrond's Counsel early and often, 4) Use To the Sea, to the Sea! to play a high cost ally
  • WILL OF THE WEST - keep an eye on your 3X Will of the West and 3X Dwarven Tomb so that you can keep recurring your deck; save discarded Will of the West by using Silver Harp or Dwarf Pipe
  • Glorfindel - attach 1X Rivendell Blade
  • Lords of the Eldar - boost the team at the right moment
  • Reforged - use to play attachments in discard pile
  • Stand and Fight - 1X included to help insure healers and/or low cost allies get into play; note: you cannot use cost reduction from To the Sea, to the Sea! with this card
  • Arwen Undómiel - buff Dain Ironfoot

This deck requires strategic thinking. You only will win of you think ahead (e.g. how much attack do I need to hold back during questing?). Most fun deck I've ever built imo.