Easy, there, easy! Nice bear!

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Card draw simulator
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

kjeld 642

Harry Goatleaf is the bear-whisperer!

Pretty straightforward and deck, using Harry's ability to supplement (Landrov)all the normal tricks and keep The Big Bear alive a little longer while you get set up with an army of giant eagles and bears. Note that Harry's ability is one per hero per round, so you can sometimes soak up smaller attacks undefended with the help of Honour Guard.

Mablung not only helps to pay for your big allies (including with the The Red Arrow), but also can be a strong late-game tank once Beorn is tapped out. Load Mablung up with any combination of Gondorian Shield, Support of the Eagles, and Gift of Foresight, plus 1 from Arwen Undómiel.

There's room in this build for some decent cancellation with A Test of Will and Hasty Stroke, plus some threat reduction from Galadriel's Handmaiden, Secret Vigil, and Hidden Roosts (which also provides a bit of card draw). Ancient Mathom and The Eagles Are Coming! also help fill up your hand.

This deck is strong on combat, obviously, but also handles normal questing surprisingly well (and does great at battle and siege questing, too, of course). Weaknesses are locations, lack of healing, extreme threat increases, and card draw (though, as described above, there are some options to help with these).

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