Arise, Riders of Théoden!

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Ride to Gondor!
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None. Self-made deck here.
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Herumen 552


"Arise, arise, Riders of Théoden!
Fell deeds awake: fire and slaughter!
spear shall be shaken, shield be splintered,
a sword-day, a red-day, ere the sun rises!
Ride now, ride now! Ride to Gondor!"

--Théoden at the Battle of the Pelennor Fields, LotR V p.137


This is a mono-Spirit deck based on the theme of the Rohirrim coming to the aid of Gondor during the Battle of the Pelennor Fields. It is designed to be played with the companion mono-Leadership & mono-Tactics decks--"Ride Now, Ride Now!" & "Spear Shall Be Shaken..."--in my "Ride to Gondor!" Fellowship. Note that hero stats referenced in the descriptions of all three decks reflect the bonuses provided by Elfhelm, as 8 of the 9 heroes have a Mount attachment.

The focus of this deck within the Fellowship is typical for the driven Spirit sphere: questing, location exploration, and treachery control. Though the heroes & allies can defend or attack in a pinch, they will typically leave the combat to the other decks and concentrate on clearing locations and completing quests.


Théoden leads the quest mounted on Snowmane and wielding his sword Herugrim & Golden Shield. After questing with 3 , he can ready and either defend at 5 or attack at 5 , as needed.

Éowyn rides a Steed of the Mark, which allows her to ready after questing for 5-6 to play Strength of Will.

Caldara also rides a Steed of the Mark. She can quest for 3 , then defend, if needed, with Blood of Númenor & Livery of the Tower. She carries the Horn of Gondor (from "Spear Shall Be Shaken...") to keep her resource pool high for Blood of Númenor & Livery of the Tower. Envoy of Pelargir, Denethor & Wealth of Gondor can also help with this.

Note that several attachments are meant to be attached to heroes in "Ride Now, Ride Now!" One copy of Steed of the Mark goes on Elfhelm and one each of Blood of Númenor & Livery of the Tower goes on Denethor. Unexpected Courage can be attached to any hero, across the board, as needed (Éomer seems a good candidate).


Except for Gandalf, all of the allies in the deck have either the Gondor or Rohan trait in order to benefit from universal effects in the other decks, like Mutual Accord, For Gondor!, Visionary Leadership & Forth Eorlingas!, as well as Éomund & Astonishing Speed from this deck.

Every ally brings some to the quest, especially Escort from Edoras & Pelargir Shipwright. And Astonishing Speed, Visionary Leadership & Faramir (the latter two cards from "Ride Now, Ride Now!") can further boost that .

Locations can be cleared quickly (and the card drawing of Ancient Mathom realized) with The Riddermark's Finest, West Road Traveller, Ride to Ruin & Strength of Will, as well as Snowbourn Scout from "Ride Now, Ride Now!"

Since Escort from Edoras & The Riddermark's Finest are discarded for their effect, Gamling & Stand and Fight recycle allies. Likewise, Map of Earnil can recycle key events. And Westfold Horse-breeder can round up Mounts from the deck.

Though Envoy of Pelargir ended up in this deck, her resource can go to any deck, as needed.