Dunedain Deck for New Players (Only Re:Core + Angmar)

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MasalaBoy 7

A try on a Dunedain Deck for New Players (Only Revised Core + Angmar Awakened)

A possible version of a Dunedain deck (the 3 heroes chosen are 3 dunedain - this is obviously not necessary; the deck can work very well with other heroes too; maybe even better...).

The deck is a classic dunedain engine: use Forest Snare on some enemies, pay allies less with Heir of Valandil and take advantage of all the triggers of the dunedain allies. Unfortunately, the snare (and the allies) doesn't come cheap, so the deck isn't super fast. Some notes on the deck:

Opening Hand - Good cards to have right away:

  1. Gandalf and Sneak Attack

  2. Heir of Valandil

  3. Celebrían's Stone

  4. Steward of Gondor

Generally Mulligan with:

Derndingle Warrior or Fornost Bowman

(By having all the starters, or even some of them, the deck can become much more powerful)