RCO Noldor - Lords of the Eldar (MD)

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RCO Noldor - Lords of the Eldar (MD) 5 4 7 1.0
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Noldor (Solo) 0 0 0 1.0
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Mormegil 5129

This deck is part of Mormegil’s Deckbox, an effort to create an extensive catalogue of decks for the different archetypes, themes and playing styles available to players. Click here to check out the whole project.

Preferred Player Count: 1-4



If you know this deck already, don't be surprised. I already posted it before, however since then there was an errata to the card Reforged released that caused me to slightly alter the deck.

A Noldor deck built around the amazing amount of card draw Erestor provides. You utilize your huge card advantage to swarm out a decent army of allies, boosting them (once your deck runs out) with Lords of the Eldar, which you can play twice every round due to having 6 spirit resources every round (two normally, 2 more with Steward of Gondor which goes on Círdan the Shipwright, 1 through the ability of Arwen Undómiel and the last one (if need be) with Magic Ring).

How To Play

Look for some form of resource acceleration in your opening hand, most notably To the Sea, to the Sea! or the Steward/Narya combo. From there on, you want to play as many allies as you can to have a decent outlook for very impactful Lords of the Eldar later on.


Elrond becomes very attractive prospects in higher player counts. Denethor, A Very Good Tale and Envoy of Pelargir are cards I recommend if you want to maximize your swarm potential (and make Steward more consistent). If you include them, I would swap them out for Círdan, 3xNarya, 2x Silver Harp and 1x Erebor Toymaker. Will of the West can also be a solution to fix your lack of deck late on, I personally prefer going the Lords of the Eldar-route however.



May 21, 2024 Calaquendi 1

That was fast!

May 22, 2024 OneStone 8

Nice deck. I would recommend to put in light of valinor additional to unexpected courage. Then you also can quest with Cirdan and use Narya for just one ressource.

May 22, 2024 Mormegil 5129

This deck only uses cards from the Revised Content. Light of Valinor was therefore ineligible for this deck (since it is not part of the the RCO pool). I would for sure have included it had it been available.

May 22, 2024 Calaquendi 1

What other changes would you make if were doing this deck non Revised? Was trying to see if a link to broader card pool.

May 22, 2024 Mormegil 5129

The obvious ones are including Light of Valinor over UC and some more draw (in the form of Deep Knowledge). I will build the archetype for my decklist with a full cardpool as well though, so there will be a link then (but not right now I am afraid since I have several archetypes to do first) :)

May 22, 2024 Calaquendi 1

That’s cool have both those so will run and continue to evolve, enjoying building them up to full power vs starting there anyway as appreciate your optimised decks tend to steam roller a lot of quests..!

Jun 05, 2024 Calaquendi 1

Know busy with other archetypes but QQ I don’t have quickbeam / elladan / ellohir (hoping to get latter if return of king box comes soon do you think maybe this year?), so was wondering which generic non thematic allies would recommend bringing in to give a bit of bite in combat alongside Glordindel ally? Had in mind Angbor as one given access through Narya.

Jun 05, 2024 Mormegil 5129

Angbor will be fine, I would also recommend Thalion and/or Guardian of Rivendell

Jun 05, 2024 Calaquendi 1

Cool, thanks on Thalion, have been using 3x Guardian as main defender, with Narya and the 1x/2x Lords of Eldar play have found him to be pretty solid!

Sep 02, 2024 Calaquendi 1

@Mormegil do you think there is a 4 star version of this deck that is possible with Gaeronel and wandering vs denethor or cirdan or does it just lose out too much?

Sep 02, 2024 Calaquendi 1

Was reading through your Chasing Dreams deck and seems Gaeronel could perhaps do better there in place of Denethor?

Sep 03, 2024 Mormegil 5129

Yes, the Alep package would most likely improve a lot of the decks, especially RCO decks. I also plan to post some Alep decks at some stage, however that will be a project way down the line. If you have access to Alep though, I can only encourage you to sub someone like Gaeronel in.

Sep 03, 2024 Calaquendi 1

Fair. Waiting for delivery of Alep package so hopefully will be able to bring Gaeronel and Wandering Spirit into the ‘Chasing Dreams’ perhaps to sub out Denethor…