Scouts of the Hills

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The Wilderland Woodmen
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AutumnRose 1250

The Wilderland Woodmen

This deck is not intended to be a solo-deck. It is best played in multiplayer, and you will notice that some of the attachments in the Burglar deck don't even have valid targets in this deck! For best results, play this deck as part of my Wilderland Woodmen Fellowhip.

The Fastest Burglars in the Land

There are very few ways to speed up the acquisition of loot through the The Burglar's Turn contract, but one of the best ways is by traveling to two locations per turn with Widfast. Use her ability to play Gavin on the first turn, and use him to find more locations to travel to, get the resources to travel to them, and of course to ready Lanwyn or give her more willpower.

Now, having two locations per turn to quest through can add a lot of extra demand on your willpower, especially with the extra quest points from the contract. To this end, there is a lot of willpower in this deck. Éowyn quests for 4 as well as allows everyone at the table to discard a card to add additional willpower (you will hopefully have an Elven-light to discard and recycle). The ally suite in this deck also has a lot of willpower to ramp up quickly. You shouldn't have any problem clearing two locations per turn.

The Engine

Keep up your deck's momentum with the time-honored combo of Zigil Miner and Imladris Stargazer. When Elven-Lights end up in your discard pile (either through mining or Eowyn's ability), use them for extra card draw. When your deck is looking thin, use Will of the West.

Why Reforged?

Reforged is in this deck strictly to be used for other players. If you don't need it, change it out for something else. In my Woodmen fellowship, this is used to recycle key location-attachments such as Woodmen's Path. I know that Reforged was shadow-errata'd to only work on items, which is a huge bummer, but I was playing this deck like this for years and I thought I'd share how I played it (without the errata).

Most Common Targets for the Loot Cards:


Jun 07, 2024 Marctimmins89 115

This deck looks awesome.

What's your thinking around Prince Imrahil? Just a big lump of stats in-sphere?

Jun 07, 2024 AutumnRose 1250

Thanks! It's a fun deck!

My thinking with Imrahil is that I usually have tons of resources and just want big helpful allies on the table--but he also can be a good emergency button in a quest with lots of direct damage you're not ready for. All three starting heroes only have 3 HP, after all.

Jun 07, 2024 kypatzer 91

If anyone feels bad about using Reforged on non-items they could include Stand and Fight to recur the Erebor Hammersmiths from the Axes of the Forest deck (after they die to a convenient chump block).

Jun 07, 2024 AutumnRose 1250

@kypatzer, unfortunately Erebor Hammersmiths only proc when they are "played", whereas Stand and Fight "Puts them into play". :(

Jun 08, 2024 kypatzer 91

Bummer, thanks for the clarification.