Beornings, Stand and Fight! (MD - Beornings Multiplayer)

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Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Mormegil 4850

This deck is part of Mormegil’s Deckbox, an effort to create an extensive catalogue of decks for the different archetypes, themes and playing styles available to players. Click here to check out the whole project.

Preferred Player Count: 2-4



This is my preferred multiplayer deck for the Beorning trait. It utilizes their chieftain Grimbeorn the Old for his amazing combat abilities, setting him up with The One Ring (and usually Inner Strength from the get go, even if I also like Strength and Courage from time to time depending on the quest) and and a few other attachments to make him a a defensive and offensive powerhouse both at the same time. The most important attachments for him, especially in higher player counts, are usually Unexpected Courage and Armored Destrier to further use his amazing stats, with Steward of Gondor always helping to use his ability (even if it not absolutely crucial for the deck and can also be put somewhere else).

Additionally, you gain further power in the combat phase by running Beorning Skin-changer together with allies like Giant Bear or Beorn himself. You can even recycle the Skin-changer with Stand and Fight (which in turn is recyclable by Dwarven Tomb), further fueling your cuddly army. With all that great combat prowess however, willpower is a bit more scarce here. Arwen Undómiel, Halfast Gamgee and a few of your allies help of course, however it will not be enough especially lategame.

How To Play

There is no specific card to mulligan for here, options I always like to see however are Steward of Gondor or some action advantage. Seeing the Skin-changers and some of your bomb allies is usually not as crucial early on, since Grimbeorn can deal with most thing coming your way and since you have a very low starting threat of 25.


Éowyn is a good replacement for Arwen if she is taken somewhere else (which is not that unlikely given that she is one of the most played heroes in the game). Dúnedain Warning is a great swap for the One Ring if it is unavailable (because someone else needs it, because you play saga or because you don't want to run it). Campfire Tales and Man the Walls are cards that get especially attractive in 3-/4-player-games, where they should probably included. Elrond's Counsel is a good fit if threat becomes an issue.
