Forth, the Tree Hunters!

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In the Cardboard of the Rings Discord channel we were discussing whether "cannot have restricted attachments" meant "you cannot play restricted attachments on this character" or "you can play restricted attachments on this character, but they will immediately fall off". (The general consensus was the former.)

Then Sackmonkey said "Now I'm just thinking of how poorly a three hunters deck with Treebeard as a hero would do. Though you could try it against some scenario with text box blanking effects."

I took that as a challenge. So here's a Three Hunters deck with Treebeard as a hero that is meant to go against scenarios that don't have text box blanking effects. I mostly slapped it together as a proof-of-concept, so it's not totally optimized, but even in this rough state it works quite well.

Galadriel + The One Ring + Well Preserved gives the deck action advantage in the ability to take undefended attacks and heal the damage off after. Ent Draught and Ring of Barahir increase her HP pool to make this more advantageous. She can get as high as 12 total HP (remember that those Daggers of Westernesse are artifacts, too!)

Éowyn gets some readying (ideally Snowmane) and attack boosters. With Snowmane, a War Axe, Herugrim, and Strider, she can attack for 13. That's enough to one-shot a Hill Troll without even activating her ability!

Treebeard is a chonky boy who can hold down the fort while you're getting set up. Right out of the box he can quest for 6, attack for 7, or defend for 3 (with 5 HP). Get him Gift of Foresight and he can defend for 5. He also lets you play those Ent Draughts, which let Galadriel eat more undefended attacks and lets Treebeard make better use of his own ability.

Self Preservation makes his ability much more sustainable, and I also like to drop one on Galadriel so she doesn't need to eat the threat on Well Preserved as often. Also, once you flip the contract, Treebeard and Galadriel love the 1 point of healing per round.

How do we flip the contract if we can't get restricted attachments on Treebeard? Once Galadriel and Eowyn each have two restricted attachments, we play a Desperate Alliance in the refresh phase and trigger the contract while he's gone. Once it's flipped, it stays flipped, and since we only need 3 restricted attachments to get there, it shouldn't be too tough.

At that point, you're questing with Eowyn for 8 or 9 with Galadriel standing by with Nenya to add up to 7 more. Then Eowyn readies and you take the attacks undefended on Galadriel, only for Eowyn to swing back after and kill off the enemy. All with Treebeard standing by ready to help out in all three phases as needed.

Because of its reliance on Desperate Alliance, this doesn't work in true solo, but I wanted to test out how well the deck could pull its own weight, so I didn't want another deck around to help out. To that end, I ran it against a couple quests in true solo mode and pretended I could use Desperate Alliance anyway just to flip the contract.

Despite not being optimized, it handled a test against Journey Along the Anduin with aplomb, which gave me the confidence to take it against the main event: The Dunland Trap. (This is a great quest to test Three Hunters decks against, right?)

Treebeard absolutely rampaged.

Because I wanted to turtle and set up, I quested only with Treebeard early on, using his ability and Nenya to get exactly the amount of progress I wanted. (This also meant Treebeard was the only hero at risk of getting an In Need of Rest, which was great because he had the HP pool and the healing to handle it.)

I got my contract flipped on Turn 3 (took a little while to find the Desperate Alliance) and loaded Treebeard up with as many skills and conditions as I could. Once I was ready and my board was clear, I held Treebeard back from the quest to turn on his defense bonus, then had Eowyn and Galadriel smash through.

The trap was sprung and the ladies lost all of their kit (except for Strider on Eowyn and The One Ring and Well Preserved on Galadriel), but Treebeard (aided by one Gift of Foresight, two Unexpected Courages, and two Self Preservations) carried the day all by himself before finally triggering Eowyn's ability in the last round to clear the board before final attacks.

It turns out having a hero who only wants unrestricted attachments is great tech against a quest with incredible levels of hate for all restricted attachments. Who knew?

Anyway, Treebeard Three Hunters decks: officially A Thing(tm).


Jul 19, 2024 Sackmoney 11

Love it. I do want to see Treebeard actually getting restricted attachments still, even though you've shown it's completely unnecessary.

Jul 20, 2024 doomguard 2121

nice use of Desperate Alliance i can imagine more carddraw would help to get all the things to the right timing would add 1-3 Drinking Song and reduce 1 of each:

with Éowyn around, Quick Strike is one of the mightiest card there is.

would replace Feint or Keen as Lances