A Pirate's Instinct

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Wizenedstaff 31

This deck killed two birds with one stone for me. It proved to be a viable Na'asiyah deck and made the Burglar's Turn contract work. It's enormous fun! The idea thematically is that King Aragorn sends his scouts Mablung and Hirgon on errands with the turncoat Corsair Na'asiyah, who finds hidden treasures along the way! Mechanically, it's important, as is usually the case in mono-Tactics, to quest hard early on. The Burglar's Turn makes this even more imperative in adding difficulty to location clearance and so there is quite an array of willpower support here, to the extent that one can in mono-Tactics. Bofur, RĂºmil,Yazan and Westfold Lancer all contribute a couple of willpower points as questers in Tactics. They are not cheap, of course, but that is where Mablung and Hirgon come in handy, as resource accelerators in Tactics. The events in this deck are also fairly cheap to allow for the allies to be played. Meneldor provides another form of assistance with clearing locations, as does Blade of Gondolin if you see that emerge from your loot deck. Trained for War can also provide great questing support for big pushes in the late game. Once your powerful attachments start coming into play, you will feel this deck becoming much more powerful and it is then important to push for the victory as mono-Tactics is vulnerable to treacheries. Honour Guard, Shadow of the Past and Wait no Longer provide indirect support in this regard. Essentially, this deck is simple. Quest hard early and rely on Na'asiyah, Feint and White Tower Watchman to scrape through ropey combat rounds. Once you are up and running, the combat side should be quite straightforward and perhaps questing will be too, especially if you are lucky enough to see The Arkenstone!


Jul 31, 2024 doomguard 2171

just by instinct ;)

its a good idea, i would adjust a little bit:


  • 1 Treebeard (just the best neutral ally in the game)
  • Steward of Orthanc (if you need willpower neutral he is the best)
  • Legolas just the best tactically in the game would even think to take him 3 times, your carddraw is not the best
  • +1 Gandalf for draw or threadreduction or quest he is so flexible
  • +1 Meneldor he is so good, play him more than once (let the first one die if u have another one in hand)

the 2 usual suspects for tactic:

  • Beechbone just s flexible
  • Pippin cheap quester and possible attacker
  • Wilyador so cheap and could do everything, let him die if u do not want to pay him longer


would alter the treasures:

replace :

then think about Meneldor's Flight for #meneldor or Gandalf would perhaps if using my other adjustments replace Trained for War

would further think about takinh more Wait no Longer