Gondor - Return of the King

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Gondor - Return of the King 0 0 0 1.0
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Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Hanahoe 7

Cards for the linked Rohan deck:

Ancestral Armor for Denethor and Théoden or Boromir or Faramir or Aragorn (loads of options for 2nd copy...)

Celebrían's Stone for Théoden or if he has Ancestral Armor then for Aragorn

Gúthwinë for Éomer

Other attachments for Gondor Heroes:

Heir of Mardil for Prince Imrahil loads of ways to use the effect (Denethor ability, errand-rider and sword of numenor.

Steward of Gondor and Rod of the Steward both on Boromir can then use Denethor's ability to ensure 4 resources are on Boromir every round to play Knight of the White Tower

Sword-thain on Faramir for a 4th Hero to boost Ingold and also allow multiple uses of Faramir's ability with Unexpected Courage

Visionary Leadership on Boromir

A few key points:

A Very Good Tale with Citadel Custodian allows big allies to come into play for cheap early on.

Sneak Attack into Faramir then Sword-thain

Sneak Attack or Reinforcements into Gandalf