At the end of the staging area

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victarion_seaworth 23

Aren't you tired of engaging enemies? Here's a solution: just demolish them in the staging area! I decided to try the At the End of All Things contract for this, because it gives Dúnhere more attack immediately and Éowyn more willpower too. Also, the targeted Search in the flip is very nice. The starting threat of 22 though is still pretty high for Staging area attack, so the big threat reduction package is included.

how to ideally split the attachments (could vary in some quests):

Dunhere: 1 Golden Belt, War Axe, 2 Rohan Warhorses, 1-2 Unexpected Courages, Arod

Eowyn: 1 Golden Belt, Herugrim, Strider, Windfola, 1 Rohan Warhorse 1-2 Unexpected Courages

What to grab with the contract very much depends on the situation: If you quickly need to lower your threat, go for The Galadhrim's Greeting or maybe Double Back. If you got an enemy problem, grab Hour of Wrath or Feint, maybe even 2 copies of the latter. Is your problem location-based, Bilbo's Plan or Arod could come in handy. What I generally found the most useful to get is the War Axe to make Dunhere really lethal and either a Rohan Warhorse for a direct combo, or Strider to get more use out of Eowyn, maybe even Preparing for her killing spree turn, should she have a Rohan Warhorse and/or some Unexpected Courage.

best stats you can get: Dunhere: 2 , 7 into the staging area and 3 using Arwen. Eowyn: 8 , 19 for one attack if you have her powered and having Herugrim. and 2

Hope you have fun destroying all enemies before they attack.


Mar 20, 2025 doomguard 2215

why not including Spear of the Mark? it is THE Dúnhere-weapon with 2 and the contract, he can attack with 8 into staging.

go full badass you could include The One Ring with Strength and Courage he can attack up to 11 in the staging

Mar 20, 2025 doomguard 2215

another very good card you do not include, is Quick Strike with it, Dúnhere can attack in the questphase and might kill before any engaging and supports questing

Mar 21, 2025 victarion_seaworth 23

Thank you for the feedback @doomguard. Those are good ideas, but I can't see what to cut for that. Maybe 1 Secret Vigil or 1 Unexpected Courage. I decided for the war axe over the spears because I wanted him to chain more with his horses. And 7 using up one restricted slot, is better than 8 using 2 slots here. And I still can grab the one axe with the contract.

Mar 21, 2025 doomguard 2215

you rarely kill 2 enemies in the staging in 1 round with low str , so i would take only 1 horse if any at all (you have Unexpected Courage too) i would try to give him 3 weapons (with belt) and a courage, or if you want him to quest, consider a Onward Into Battle. the horses only trigger if you kill something, and that would be unlikely before a good str-value.

card i woould cut are:

  • 2 Knight of Minas Tirith to expensive and kills nothing with str 3 even rarely make damage.
  • Herugrim too expensive for before flipping and after you have a big dunhere and mostly do not need it.

if you do not want Spear of the Mark consider Gandalf after flipping u can play him and he is a swiss-knife.

Mar 21, 2025 HenryClerval 54

I agree with adding Gandalf and Quick Strike. I also would point out that you should maybe remove Foe-hammer, because you have only one weapon. One ring + Strength and courage would be good, and you wouldn't have to worry about the threat. If you can consistently get the warhorse with the contract, consider replacing the horsebreeder

Mar 21, 2025 HenryClerval 54

congratulations on using Bilbo's Plan btw