The Greatest Traveller and Huntsmen of this Age

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The BGamerJoe 4887

Tactics Aragorn has really filled the lack of heroes for Noldor. There have been several versions of this style of deco going around over the last month and they all seem strong!

This version features the Cirdan/Narya combo that helps with defense, strong 7-10 starting willpower and plenty of strong attack power through Aragorn and the Trollshaw Scout.

Opening Hand Look for a defensive option. Between Defender of Rammas, Feint and Watcher of the Bruinen, there are 8 options for keeping yourself safe on the first turn. Elven-light is also foundational for getting the resource smoothing/card draw engine going. Second tier cards for your opening hand included Raiment of War, Light of Valinor, Silver Harp and a Dagger of Westernesse for Aragorn or a Trollshaw Scout.

Basic Gameplay

Nothing super fancy. The goal is to have Cirdan, Arwen and the Allies quest, Defender of Rammas or Watcher of the Bruinen defend with stat boosts and readying from Raiment of War and Narya. A Defender Of Rammas with a Raiment supported by Cirdan’s ring can last the entire game in many cases! If there are nasty ally-discarding shadow cards, adding Sterner than Steel can keep him safe.

Aragorn gets the first Unexpected Courage (as long as Cirdan already has Light of Valinor), then he can either quest and attack, or perform multiple attacks alongside the Trollshaw Scout. Adding Rivendell Bow can make this deck a potent multiplayer attack deck as Aragorn can shoot around the table with the Scouts.

Foe-hammer and Proud Hunters will help keep the deck moving. If you don’t need Cirdan’s readying for one turn, you can even attack with Cirdan and use Proud Hunters to generate Spirit resources if needed.

Elven-Light, your duplicates and Silver Harp will keep your discard effects on Arwen, Trollshaw Scout and Watcher of the Bruinen going and Elven-Light will end up drawing through your deck fairly quickly.

The deck runs threat up fairly high, but Elrond's Counsel will keep it fairly safe and you can always reshuffle your deck once if all 3 copies end up in your discard.

Although it will never generate massive amounts of willpower, the solid 7 from the starting Spirit heroes will keep those early locations cycling so your staging area shouldn’t ever really build up. By mid game it will easily quest for 15 and up to 24 or even 30 with Lords of the Eldar.


I built this deck to play with my group vs The Thing in the Depths and it performed well. I tweaked it a bit and it functioned smoothly in solo games vs Passage of the Marshes, Race to the Ford and Shelob’s Lair.

Thanks to the several other players who have posted Noldor/Aragorn decks lately! It’s a solid deck type! Let me know how it works for you!


Aug 26, 2019 Mythdracon 1

Another nice deck to try! (I'm late to the party because I only just got Tactics Aragorn). What might be nice replacements for Proud Hunters, and is the deck ok on threat? I know there's some Elrond's Counsel here, but I wonder if that's enough to prevent threating out on occasion.

Aug 27, 2019 The BGamerJoe 4887

It's been long enough since I made this deck I honestly don't remember! That's high starting threat so might be smart to throw 2x The Galadhrim's Greeting in there. @Mythdracon

Apr 28, 2020 Frost15 42

This deck is incredible!! After frustratingly trying the Angmar Awakened cycle solo, with several other decks (most of them self-made) I came across this list and the results were immediate! Genius mechanics and fun to play. I only have one core set so I made 4 modifications. I put 1 Glorfindel instead of 1 Unexpected Courage, 1 Hasty Stroke instead of 1 A Test of Will, 1 Warrior Sword instead of 1 Dagger of Westernesse and 1 The Galadhrim's Greeting instead of 1 Feint. It was obscenily easy to beat everything. Truth be told I had some lucky rounds, but all in all I'd like to congratulate the author of this masterpiece!