The noldors will do the fighting
"...let a ploughman plough, but choose an otter for swimming, and for running over orc and troll or over nazgul-an Elf."
Those 2 decks combined together can handle combat entirely for a table of 4 players. The idea is to stick Dúnedain Signal and every form of resource generation and a Blood of Númenor on Elrohir, while giving Elladan a nice Orcrist, Rivendell Bow and a lot of , so that he can machine gun every small enemy and quickly dispose of the bigger ones. See the individual decks for more details.
Pair with something that can quest well, add a spoonfull of location control, a pinch of cancellation, and you are ready for battle.
Changes so far:
-2 Armored Destrier -1 Unexpected Courage
-3 Lembas -2 Song of Healing -1 Elven-light
+2 Dagger of Westernesse +1 Windfola +3 Song of Wisdom
Apr 11, 2021 doomguard 2190 |
Apr 12, 2021 askelad 640
on shadow cancelling: i've beaten carn dum with this. Because of blood of numenor, increasing is not relevant after a while. And because of low threat and readying, threat increase and extra attacks don't either. For nastier effects, i agree we have a problem and i'm working on it. So far the options i see are:
there are already Gondorian Shields in the erestor deck, of which the first one always goes on Elrohir. So yes Elrohir can reach a decent relatively fast, which is necessary because Blood of Númenor takes some time to ready. Blood of Númenor serves more of a purpose of reducing the amount of shadows that affect us, and defending boss enemies without taking damage. on Steed of Imladris vs Legacy Blade: Legacy Blade is interesting, i agree it would help flip the contract faster (and sometimes give Elladan an extra while waiting for Orcrist). I don't think synergy with Open the Armory is relevant, hypergeometric calculator and experience with the deck tell me we will almost never choose Legacy Blade with Open the Armory (because the sample as a 95% chance of containing a better target). Plus you'd be surprised how much Steed of Imladris helps: this is an erestor deck, so the steed is actually usable, and provides a bit of extra questing power when needed (it helped a lot against carn dum's cursed battlefield!). During my playtests, playing 3 or more restricted attachments on a single turn didn't happen that often, so Legacy Blade costing 0 would not make a big difference. Flipping the contract first round would require a lot of luck even with Legacy Blade, so if we are talking about flipping the contract faster we would rather target increasing the odds of a flip second or third round, for which 1-cost restricteds work fine. Legacy Blade would work, as well as Round Shield, Windfola, Dagger of Westernesse, Blade of Gondolin etc If we were to include more restricted to flip the contract faster, i would rather cut something not restricted that can be done without, like one of Elven-light, Lembas and Song of Healing |
Apr 12, 2021 doomguard 2190gz for carn dum ! and the way with kings return is nice. if you have made good experience with the imladrissteed, keep it, i have not. but i can imagine specially to get the nasty battle-location away it is worth its weight in gold. |
Apr 12, 2021 doomguard 2190and btw. Legacy Blade does not work like your examples. it cost 0 that means you can play it for freee even after your 1. restricted and after using the discount from contract. so it is only comparable with Round Shield of your list. and then, the synergy with Open the Armory could be interesting. imagine, you have only 1 res left, have paed 1. restricted on all heroes this turn, then with Open the Armory you may catch it and bring another restricted into play, perhaps the last one to flip. |
Apr 12, 2021 askelad 640I'm aware of how Forth, The Three Hunters! works. remember that past the first round, we only have 4 cards a round (plus Elven-light), and we only have 15 restricted attachments in the deck so using the discount of each of the 3 heroes does not happen that often past the first round. That means wether by draw or from Open the Armory, we will rarely pay for restricted attachments. I'd rather play a restricted that i occasionally pay for that does something relevant than one i never have to pay for but that does nothing (we only have 1 side quest and no thurindir, so legacy blade takes a while to do something and by that time elladan would have already discarded it for better weapons, erestor's attacks are nearly irrelevant). However, if we increase the density of restricted attachments in the deck, we might have enough to make that problem appear more often. In that case, some number of Legacy Blade and Round Shield would be approriate. Since so far we are on the side of making almost full use of the discount, i'd start by adding relevant 1-cost ones, test it, and once we hit a point where the cost of 1 becomes relevant, i'd start adding Legacy Blade and Round Shield instead of 1-cost ones. keep in mind flipping the contract is not the highest priority for the deck (it is focused on combat, flipping the contract is a bonus) AND because of how much we draw it never takes too long to flip anyway. As for the Open the Armory synergy: getting Elrohir his shield and getting Elladan his War Axe, Rivendell Bow and 2 Rivendell Blade makes 5 targets that are higher priority than Legacy Blade. For grabbing Legacy Blade with Open the Armory being relevant, you need all 5 of the higher priority targets to either already be in play or not be in play and not show up, AND THEN you also need either Gondorian Shield or Rivendell Blade not showing up, or all 3 of your discounts having been used this round, which given the fact that you have drawn a Open the Armory means the 3 other cards you have drawn this round are restricted 1-cost attachments (of which you have 12 in the deck) which is extremely unlikely. given Open the Armory samples 10 cards which is a good chunk of your deck, those conditions being met is highly unlikely, so Legacy Blade being a weapon is not significantly relevant in this deck. |
Apr 12, 2021 doomguard 2190for carn dum you are right, for other games, where fighting is not sooo important, it could be better to increase questing with an earlier flipped contract. would assume legacy or round shield get more flexibility. but if it is game deciding in some occasions, i cannot tell. i think i would swap them with song of healing because an earlier contract can do the healingjob and i do not reduce probabilities for the more important things. |
Apr 12, 2021 askelad 640bear in mind we are supposed to fight for a table of 4, so we should not make any concessions on that. i do agree however flipping the contract impacts the game massively, so we should aim to do so quicker. i don't see legacy blade doing anything most of the time, and apart from elrohir the noldors dont do much defending, so both legacy blade and round shield are for all intents and purposes 0 cost blanks. song of healing is meant to be played on other heroes around the table (elrohir or others, during testing i was using rosie quests for the table as third deck so the target was obvious). maybe it is not that necessary, there are other ways to heal, and for archery flipping the contract works better. cards i would consider cutting for more restricteds:
as mentionned before, when slotting in restricteds i would start with 1-costs (1 Windfola and then Dagger of Westernesse+Blade of Gondolin), test it, and replace the appropriate amount with Legacy Blade and Round Shield |
Apr 12, 2021 askelad 640also because i am testing with the rosie deck and Power of Command is so important to that deck but we still need shadow tech, i'm seriously considering A Burning Brand+Song of Wisdom. because Rune-master is so important to generate resource i would put Song of Wisdom in the erestor deck. I'm gonna reflect on that, and if we decide to do so some of the slots of the erestor deck should be kept for Song of Wisdom (and Golden Belt would stay at 3 copies). An added bonus is Stone of Elostirion can now be played from hand if we draw it. |
Apr 12, 2021 GreenWizard 323Cool idea! |
Sep 01, 2021 Sfrug 399So have you tried paring this with your Rosie Quests for the Table deck? How did it go? |
idea is good, but:
perhaps start with the ring + inner strength on elrohir, then perhaps song of battle and Sterner than Steel (elrohir could take song of battle as default-attachement. with tactic he can use Gondorian Shield and with steward he has +2 defense and do not need this much blood of numenor-buff (defense would be 6 with inner strength) + warnings
at 3-hunters, consider Legacy Blade instead of the Steed of Imladris cheaper and perhaps of more use (imladris steed will rarely be used, my experience and only for restricted, that go better) the blades benefit also from Open the Armory specially in the 1. round with blades there is more potential to flipp the contract 1. round