Noldorian Might
ff0x 561
This fellowship of decks tries to get the most out of the Noldor trait and to play Lords of the Eldar over and over, once you are set up.
"Children of Elrond" - Part 1/2 of the Fellowship "Noldorian Might"
This decks' primary focus is combat. Elladan and Elrohir are hardly new and most of the deck is geared towards getting them set up and being able to constantly use them for defense and attack.
The target is the having the heroes with these attachment combinations in play:
- A Burning Brand
- Elven Mail
- Gondorian Shield
- Steward of Gondor
- Song of Wisdom - played by the partner
To get the pieces you need you can rely on Elven-light, Foe-hammer, Lindir, and Galadriel. While Gandalf can also be used to draw cards, so far I have used him most of the time for threat reduction or direct damage.
While Steward of Gondor alone works wonders on Elrohir, getting Elladan readied multiple times a turn is almost as easy, you can get the needed ressource by discarding for Arwen Undómiel and if Heir of Mardil is attached you even get to ready him two times.
Legacy of Númenor, Errand-rider, and Arwen Undómiel are there to help out your partner deck to get the most out of the huge amount of cards that are drawn. In addition The Hammer-stroke is here to allow to take all enemies once you are set up and to wipe the board clean.
As already said, this deck takes care of the combat in the adventure it can also help with questing but due to the nature of Galadriel and Gandalf the questing power varies a lot.
"Lords of the Noldor" - Part 2/2 of the Fellowship "Noldorian Might"
The role of this deck is simple. Take care of questing and help the partner by providing Song of Wisdom for Elrohir and go as quickly as possible through the own deck to be able to play Lords of the Eldar every single turn.
Eventually you will have no deck left and every time you play Lords of the Eldar it will be drawn and discarded every single turn. In case your partner has two Errand-rider and uses Arwen Undómiel you can actually play both every single turn. One for questing and one after questing when you had to discard it for Lindon Navigator. Song of Travel is important for Erestor later in the game to allow you to pay for Lords of the Eldar every turn.
While the focus of this deck isn't combat it is far from defenseless. Gildor Inglorion and Galdor of the Havens combined with Narya and some help from Glorfindel can take down quite a few enemies without breaking a sweat. When you partner has A Burning Brand to spare, Gildor becomes a great defender and can double as a save for important cards.
The first turn is usually the most annoying because with nine cards you will usually not be able to play all the good cards and lose some of them. When you partner helps out with Legacy of Númenor or Arwen Undómiel a lot of possibilities open up.
I hope anyone who tries these decks will enjoy them as much as I do.
This fellowship is still awesome many years after it was published. My only alteration was to swap a Rivendell Bow for The Hammer-stroke