Speak softly and carry a big war axe


The two (almost) single sphere decks both lean into what their sphere does best:

  • Tactics defends, deals damage and brings to tools for that job;
  • and Spirit uses Dáin Ironfoot as defender (and miner), while nobody really attacks (until the ents, Glorfindel or Prince Imrahil arrive). Until the heavy allies arrive, Tactics Aragorn pulls attackers to the other side and mauls them.

It is a very simple setup, and it just powered through the first cycle. The Spirit deck has enough flexibility that I can add or remove cards based on the quest. I also run 60+ cards, because Dain and Arwen at times discard quite a lot (+Daeron's Runes). But Dwarven Tomb, Glorfindel and Stand and Fight use the discard pile as an extended deck, while Gather Information helps find the rosetta stones in the deck.

All feedback is welcome.


Feb 25, 2025 doomguard 2190

the herosetup has much potential, but i think u can improve the effectiveness by far.

  1. i would make he tactik-deck a Forth, The Three Hunters!. then you have fast equipment to handle all combat very fast. for safety threadreduction you do not need Gandalf the Favor of the Valar will do

  2. reduce the daindeck to 60 and take the important cards. meaning:

skip all green allies (if tactic is Forth, The Three Hunters! they can heal with contract) skip Daeron's Runes skip the less efficient allies like Woodland Courier. reduce the event so u have about 50 cards. if you are in danger of empty your deck, include Will of the West specially with Dwarven Tomb you need only 1 even if it is accidentially discarded (what can be preventet with Imladris Stargazer

because you use Alep allready, for mining the Lay of the Nauglamír is THE card, specially id Arwen Undómiel is included.

Feb 26, 2025 DaneOfTheHill 3

Thanks. I love the feedback. I have been thinking about the possibilities going Forth, The Three Hunters! I will for sure make a test build using your suggestions.

Any other recommendations for the Three Hunters deck?

Feb 26, 2025 doomguard 2190

many axes ;)

jokes aside, put in nearly all restricted weapons and armor from tactic you have, and the Open the Armory to get the prefered ones faster. remember, the Citadel Plate can be played for 1 res on Beregond with the contract.

to get your restricted fast, the Raiment of War is very effective. the Dagger of Westernesse and Gondorian Shieldcan be used by every hero, if you have slots left consider the Blade of Gondolin and 1 Golden Shield for eowyn is also nice. the other deck should include Snowmane.

the core Dwarven Axe can be played for 1 res with the contract and every hero can have it.

do not forget the Foe-hammer and consider Book of Eldacar.

to get more defenses with Beregond you can use Behind Strong Walls and Hold Your Ground! (in addition to Feint )

Feb 26, 2025 DaneOfTheHill 3

So something like this? ringsdb.com ringsdb.com

Feb 28, 2025 doomguard 2190

still to much cards