Location Unlocked

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The Purple Wizard 1151

Losing to location lock in your multiplayer game? Add these powerful ladies to your squad and watch them obliterate locations left and right!

This is designed to handle all locations in three or four player games, with a bit of general support along the way. If you find yourself getting location locked against a quest, these are the gals to turn to.

Everything you need against locations is here. Got a really nasty one you just drew? Discard it with Heirs of Earendil or blank it with Thrór's Key. Locations piling up in the staging area? A couple Northern Trackers and/or Rhovanion Outriders can take care of those pretty quickly. Travel costs killing you or stuck at the wrong location? Thror's Map is the best in the business at that.

There are a multitude of ways to deal with locations nowadays, but in a four player game there is still no friendlier sight than a Northern Tracker hitting the table. Many quests, including several in the latest cycle, start off with a bunch of locations in the staging area. You want to get a Tracker in play as quickly as possible in those quests, and you can do that turn one thanks to Arwen Undómiel's extra resource. Get a second one out on turn two or three and you won't have to worry about location lock the rest of the game.

The rest of the deck is either there to build your engine or to support the rest of the fellowship.

~Mirror of Galadriel is the card you're most likely to mulligan for, and once you've got that and a Silver Harp in play you can find just about anything you need in your deck. Nenya is necessary to play the Lore cards. Elven-light and Long Lake Fisherman help with card draw (hint: over half your deck costs one).

~A Test of Will, Hasty Stroke, and Warden of Healing are there for obvious reasons. Later on in the game playing Shadows Give Way at a key time can completely turn momentum around.

~Preferably your fellowship doesn't need you for much combat and can help you out when necessary, but Idraen won't leave you helpless against a stray enemy. Tale of Tinúviel and Protector of Lórien can buff her up against something beefier when needed. Long Lake Fisherman make for good chumps too.

~The Hidden Way and A Watchful Peace help neuter the encounter deck later in the game

~There's a large sideboard here. It's mostly there to provide solutions to specific problems different quests pose. What I've made here is the best generalized deck I can make, but if you're looking for tech against a specific quest you'll find plenty of options there.

The game now sports a multitude of ways to handle locations. Earlier versions of this deck were stuffed with cards that added progress in different ways, but I found that what was here was really all I needed in most cases, so I could fill the rest of the space with other useful goodies. Get the trackers and outriders in play and let them go to work. If there's a card that's preventing that or killing you elsewhere, take it out with Heirs or Thror's tools. It's simple and it works great. Bring this deck to your next LotR gathering...your fellow players will love you for it!


Oct 08, 2018 IstariKnight 28

Another great list- thanks Purple Wizard. Do you find that 1 Watchful Peace is good enough?

Oct 08, 2018 The Purple Wizard 1151

@IstariKnightOooh, great question. That was my very last change before publishing the deck. I started off with three of them and found they're only useful after your trackers are in play, as you can then put the location back on top of the deck before the encounter cards are drawn, so I dropped down to two of them. It's a fun play and it really hurt me to cut the second one, but I've had too many games where having only one Unexpected Courage (for Galadriel...no one else here really needs one) was frightening that I might lose it. So I added a second to make it easier to find and to give you something to give away.

i think, in this context, A Watchful Peace is often a "win more" card, because If I'm at the state of the game where it is useful, I must already be doing something right. Map of Rhovanion was the other one I considered dropping, as it's harder to play early on when it would be most useful due to needing to have Nenya first.

Oct 08, 2018 IstariKnight 28

Thanks for taking the time to respond. I'm glad I was able to pick up on one of the slots/cuts that was critical later in the process. I'm still getting my bearings as a deck builder and it's analysis like this that helps me sharpen my own decision making. I often fall into the trap of slotting win-more cards into my decks.

I'll be bringing this list to Con of the Rings as a location buster. Any chance you're attending?

Oct 08, 2018 The Purple Wizard 1151

Indeed I will! I live quite close to FFG.

Pretty sure decks like this will be thoroughly welcomed into some of the makeshift fellowships slapped together this weekend. You'll have to find me and let me know how it performs for you. :)

Oct 08, 2018 PeaceAndThought 318

Solid deck, @The Purple Wizard--I look forward to seeing it in action this weekend.

Oct 08, 2018 doomguard 2006

i would add the map of earnil and dwarven tomb. reduce some green cards (hidden way and protector of lorien) for it, because the green ones only playable after narya with very limited res. and if u have narya i think thrors map or a healer is more important than the others.

Oct 08, 2018 The Purple Wizard 1151

@doomguardThose would be solid additions to the sideboard, for sure, and I could see an argument for including them over those Lore cards, but Lore resources are easier to come by than you think. Once you've got Nenya you can always add Arwen's resource to Galadriel, thus giving you two Lore resources a round. The bigger question is can you find Nenya quickly and between Mirror of Galadriel, Long Lake Fisherman, and Galadriel's card draw the answer is usually yes.

Which card would you most want to recur with Map of Earnil anyway?

Oct 08, 2018 doomguard 2006

each of the action-events, or dwarven tomb (that i would include) that can even recycle the reactions specially test of will.