Defenders of The Citadel (Mono-Tactics Gondor)

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None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Defenders of The Citadel (Mono-Tactics Gondor) 1 2 0 2.0
Card draw simulator
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Durins_Father 3051

Durins_Father has a newer deck inspired by this one: Defenders of The Citadel (Mono-Tactics Gondor)

The defenders of the Citadel stand guard over the Capital of the Kingdom of Gondor. Non shall pass through the gates and all that try shall perish.

This deck is a deck which focusses on the defensive nature of the Gondor cards that have been released over the last few years. This deck makes sure you optionally engage most enemies with effects like The Hammer-stroke so that you can get your resource from Mablung. After Engagement you can start your defence. You could be sneaky and use effects like Feint an Thicket of Spears, but where's the fun in that?

Instead you can start defending with the true Guard of the Citadel who should get a lot of attachments on him asap. These include Gondorian Shield, Spear of the Citadel, Raven-winged Helm and Citadel Plate. You can always swap some attachments around, keep the Restricted slots in mind!

Additional attachments can be played on allies. The trusted Gondorian Spearman/Spear of the Citadel combo comes to mind. Extra shields could also be played on Boromir who can ready whenever he damn well chooses.

Beregond isn't like Boromir in this, so he has to depend on effects like Behind Strong Walls, Hold Your Ground! or Hour of Wrath to ready himself. He could shake off some damage tokens between multiple defences using Raven-winged Helm, Gondorian Discipline or a Horn's Cry before the attacks resolve. In case that you don't draw your healing/readying effects, White Tower Watchman lets you divert the damage to him. If this destroys him (usually does) Boromir can start blowing on his Horn to buy some new allies next turn. That sounds quite brutal, and you're right, it is.

Other defenders are also included as a last resort or as questers during Siege quests. The Knight of Minas Tirith will also provide Mablung with an additional resource during the planning phase.

Attacking back shouldn't be a problem either since you can give Boromir and Mablung some Fire which works well with their own effects and the Horn of Gondor. At this time, enemies should also have taken damage from the defenders which makes the attack phase easier.

At the end of most rounds, you'll probably have the board clear of most enemies, so that your friends can deal with locations and questing.


May 16, 2016 Durins_Father 3051

Version 2.0 is now up. This introduces more card draw and since those two factors were lacking in version 1.0. Any other suggestions can be posted here for a 3.0 version