The Steward's Fear: Solo Progression

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The Steward’s Fear (solo progression) 5 1 0 1.0
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Saintshrugs 21

This deck was created for solo progression style. This does not contain any saga cards and uses 2 core sets.

This is my first published deck on ringsdb so I would love any feedback from the community.

Initial thoughts: I was intrigued by the concepts behind The Steward's Fear. I find it to be a very thematic quest. However, it is incredibly challenging to build for solo as the deck needs to be capable of doing a lot of different things. I tried out a couple of decks on this quest and I liked the basis of these 3 heroes as it gave me access to lower starting threat through Glorfindel, heavy questing from Éowyn, and extra actions in Aragorn. Aragorn also comes with his unique items: Ring of Barahir, Sword that was Broken, and Celebrían's Stone. With all of his items equipped, he has 5 and 8 HP.

This deck is focused on fishing for attachments so that you can buff up Aragorn as the main defender with all of his unique items and a couple Dúnedain Warning. Also, with Ring of Barahir, he is a candidate for A Burning Brand. Glorfindel will serve as the main attacker with Dúnedain Mark and can hep with location control with Asfaloth. I put Steward of Gondor on Aragorn as he will have access to with Ring of Barahir. I place an Unexpected Courage on each of them or 2 on Aragorn for defense. With all items and a Self Preservation, you can increase your action advantage by taking attacks undefended. However, there is a nasty shadow that makes you discard all attachments which would be a losing condition.

Starting hand: Good to see Light of Valinor, Steward of Gondor, and Ring of Barahir, on the first turn. Master of the Forge is necessary to do some fishing and Imladris Stargazer will also help with this.

Miner of the Iron Hills I added because of the nasty condition attachment. With Sneak Attack, you can get rid of both conditions. Will of the West is there to prevent losing from the discard plot. Plenty of opportunities of threat reduction through Gandalf and Elrond's Counsel.

Besides terrible bad luck (prone to happen in Against the Shadow), I feel pretty good about this deck being able to handle Steward's Fear. Let me know what you think!


Jun 01, 2021 West from the Sea 6

I like this deck idea a lot, when I played Stewards fear I went for outlands swarm but that architype can get very boring very fast so I plan on replaying it with deck like this. I'm still quite new to deck building so take what I say with a grain of salt but maybe ally Arwen would be good as she can give Aragorn an additional defense when she quests.

Jun 01, 2021 Saintshrugs 21

That's true. I would probably replace one of the enthir swordsmen since they fill the same niche.