Bard Goes A-Wandering

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None. Self-made deck here.
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Bard Goes A-Wandering 2.0 2 0 0 2.0
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ironwill212 799

ironwill212 has a newer deck inspired by this one: Bard Goes A-Wandering 2.0

This is my attempt at making a viable Great Yew Bow deck featuring Bard the Bowman and The Grey Wanderer. Grab Strider at the start and dig out Great Yew Bow as quickly as possible. Once Bard the Bowman has his bow and a weapon (or Support of the Eagles) he can snipe away at enemies in the staging area and draw more cards with Foe-hammer. So far, I've taken this deck out against Journey Along the Anduin with good success. It's not the most powerful deck in the world, but it is fun to play :).


Eagles are the sub-theme of the deck, with the goal being to power up an Eagles of the Misty Mountains that can handle defense (or provide Support to Bard). I have a somewhat eclectic set of AP's, otherwise I would include Meneldor. Timely Aid helps get Eagles or other strong allies out early. I've got the Celduin Travelers at present as at least minimal location control, but I'm not convinced that they are the best solution.


Nothing too fancy. Resourceful is great in the early game and everything else goes into boosting Bard the Bowman's attack power.


Again, pretty straightforward. Daeron's Runes, Foe-hammer, and The Eagles Are Coming! provide card draw. Feint and Quick Strike are for those enemies that manage to engage you.


Aug 26, 2021 doomguard 1976

stronly recomand Open the Armory else perhaps you never see the bow in a game. by default he can only get one additional weapon, so his attack is only 5, with his reduction u can say 7. that is imo not enough. would include some DĂșnedain Mark its esier and quicker, than eagle-setting, and can be done in addition.

Aug 26, 2021 wehehe 1120

In addition to Open the Armory, I'd use two copies of Master of the Forge to help you find all the Attachments. As they are not unique you can play them with The Grey Wanderer and they help you find not only the bow, but also Support of the Eagles, Golden Belt or Resourceful

Aug 26, 2021 ironwill212 799

@doomguardI don't have Open the Armory, but I can see that it would make perfect sense here. DĂșnedain Mark is a good call. What would you sub out in exchange?

@wehehe Of course! I can't believe I didn't think of Master of the Forge. I think I'll replace the two Celduin Travelers with them in the next iteration.

Thanks for the suggestions!

Aug 26, 2021 doomguard 1976

because i would not mention it a solodeck i see not much sense in the Celduin Traveler then Grimbold you have cheaper sentinel if you replace celduin with the master of the forge (i would not, because, only 15 attachements), then i would discard boromir and gwaihir.

i you have to defend, you have Feint and cheap eagles to do the job, and as a secrecy-ranged deck i would think you do not want to defend very much at all.

furthermore, i would chance Daeron's Runes (you do not have so much cards you do not need) with Hands Upon the Bow , then you are able to snipe directly after staging.