Bard Goes A-Wandering 2.0

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
Bard Goes A-Wandering 1 0 4 1.0
Inspiration for
Bard Goes A-Wandering 3.0 3 0 6 1.0
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

ironwill212 806

ironwill212 has a newer deck inspired by this one: Bard Goes A-Wandering 3.0

Updated version of my Bard the Bowman The Grey Wanderer deck. The original description is below, but I've made a few adjustments, mainly adding in Dúnedain Mark, swapping in Quick Strike for Feint, and rounding out my sideboard to account for various challenges that the deck faces (i.e. Power of Orthanc for quests with nasty condition attachments, Trained for War for scenarios that require a massive willpower push at the end (looking at you Peril in Pelargir), and Straight Shot plus Marksman of Lórien to deal with massive enemies). I have successfully beaten all three Heirs of Numenor deluxe quests with this deck (Peril in Pelargir took several tries), and it is still a lot of fun to play :).

Original Description

This is my attempt at making a viable Great Yew Bow deck featuring Bard the Bowman and The Grey Wanderer. Grab Strider at the start and dig out Great Yew Bow as quickly as possible. Once Bard the Bowman has his bow and a weapon (or Support of the Eagles) he can snipe away at enemies in the staging area and draw more cards with Foe-hammer. So far, I've taken this deck out against Journey Along the Anduin with good success. It's not the most powerful deck in the world, but it is fun to play :).


Eagles are the sub-theme of the deck, with the goal being to power up an Eagles of the Misty Mountains that can handle defense (or provide Support to Bard). I have a somewhat eclectic set of AP's, otherwise I would include Meneldor. Timely Aid helps get Eagles or other strong allies out early. I've got the Celduin Travelers at present as at least minimal location control, but I'm not convinced that they are the best solution.


Nothing too fancy. Resourceful is great in the early game and everything else goes into boosting Bard the Bowman's attack power.


Again, pretty straightforward. Daeron's Runes, Foe-hammer, and The Eagles Are Coming! provide card draw. Feint and Quick Strike are for those enemies that manage to engage you.