
Questlogs using this decklist
Into Fangorn - 1 Player - 2021-09-13
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
Galadriel 8 1 6 1.0
Inspiration for
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Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Aurion 868

Update: removed 2 copies of unexpected courage to include Jubayr and Arwen Undómiel and added in A Burning Brand for Gildor Inglorion for more shadow cancellation and defensive options.

Another Grey Wanderer deck, this time using Galadriel.


Search your deck for Nenya and attach it to its rightful keeper. Now you have the ability to "quest" with Galadriel, provided there is an ally in play, and you can pay for cards too!

Opening Hand

You will definitely need an ally in play asap, so that is your priority for your opening hand. You are really looking for either a Rivendell Scout, Dúnedain Wanderer, Celduin Traveler, or Ithilien Lookout all of which can be played first turn (exhaust The Grey Wanderer to give you 2 extra resources. Failing that, Timely Aid will hopefully find you an ally to boost. Resourceful is also useful to see early on, but I would be tempted to dig for it with Master of the Forge and/or the Mirror of Galadriel. I would only use the latter though if you have a Silver Harp in play unless you are desperate to find a particular card.


Basically, just keep playing allies each round and boosting their using Galadriel in combination with Protector of Lórien and Elven-light. Don't forget Galadriel's other constant effect that allies don't exhaust to quest the first round they enter play, so you should always have at least 1 character ready to defend if needs be.

You should expect to stay in secrecy the entire game because of Galadriel's action and Elrond's Counsel, so make the most of Risk Some Light to play both Ithilien Lookout and Celduin Traveler at the most optimum time.

Out of Sight is there for when you have some big nasty that has to be dealt with as there is very little in this deck and it can be played for 1 resource whilst you are in secrecy and you have a Leaf Brooch on Galadriel. The rest of the time, Leaf Brooch gives you another free card per turn when used in combo with Elven-light.

Beorn can only be brought into play via Timely Aid, so I have included Gildor Inglorion to out him back into the top 3 cards if you draw him before you get a Timely Aid.

You have Northern Trackers and Asfaloth for location control and there is enough strength in the deck to get through most enemies, which you will generally only engage when you are ready to face them.

That's about everything you need to know about this deck. Enjoy!