L/S Questing Noldor

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
L/S Questing Noldor 2 0 0 5.0
Inspiration for
None yet.
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

asteroidea 5

Deck aims: push questing, run through draw deck, acquire critical components, quickly build usable discard pile, and set up high-value end-game questing.

Use Galdor of the Havens & Círdan the Shipwright hero powers plus early card plays of Mirror of Galadriel, To the Sea, to the Sea!, Daeron's Runes, and Imladris Caregiver to gather key resources such as Light of Valinor, Nenya, Narya, Elrond's Counsel, and Celebrían's Stone. While searching for components, simultaneously build up discard pile & push in appropriate cards such as Elven-light, Glorfindel, Elwing's Flight, along with targets for Dwarven Tomb and Stand and Fight, and duplicate copies of unique items.

Push questing as often as possible, pay attention to card placement for Sailor of Lune and Warden of the Havens, and set up Elwing's Flight for end-game. Ensure that Light of Valinor is only used on Círdan the Shipwright, not Galdor (unless using Unexpected Courage on Cirdan & plan to use Helm of Secrecy to swap Glorfindel for Galdor midgame). Don’t be afraid to use Arwen Undómiel and Imladris Caregiver as shields if necessary, but try to keep Lindon Navigator alive for multiple rounds, since she can both quest and soak small attacks during the same round. Similarly, try to allow for each player to use Imladris Stargazer at least once while in play. Try to activate all instances of The Evening Star, and use Ancient Mathom for draw spike when needed.

Side board cards can be rotated in as necessary, but try to keep deck below or near 60.