A Try On A Mono Tactics Questing Deck

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Durins_Son 35

This mono tactics deck makes use of a lot of attachments and utilises Defender of the West along with Raiment of War to pump out a crazy powerful ally that goes around the table to help out less combat orientated decks. Allies as Landroval, Skinbark, and Treebeard can't use the Rainment of War attachment, but are still great to use Defender of the West on. Rainment of war is also amazing on Defender of Rammas, which then becomes a crazy defender. If you get into trouble with your resources, you can always put Mablung into play instead of Legolas. If you do this you can also put in the ally Legolas. Master Ironsmith and Bofur can be used to find and attach your attachments.

This is a multiplayer deck only, or else the use of Defender of the West would be a bit weird... The deck works well and can actually contribute the quest pretty well and helps out your other players.

The deck could use fine tunning and any suggestions would be awesome.


Oct 05, 2016 Beorn 13862

I like it, especially your use of Raiment and Defender to make an excellent defending ally. I has the same problem that I find whenever I try to build a Mono-Tactics deck - readying. Especially in the case of Théoden, I really want to be able to ready him and either use his defense (if I have Raiment) or his attack. He combines with Legolas to allow you to finish off many enemies without getting help from allies, which is critical, but without readying he will be exhausted from questing. This deck instantly becomes very effective when paired with a Spirit deck to play Snowmane on Theoden. In any case, I like where you are going with the mix of allies and attachments.

Oct 05, 2016 Beorn 13862

I should add that Mablung (with Legolas ally added) is going to be a better choice in many quests as the additional resources will make it much easier to pay for your more expensive unique allies. Tactics ramps slowly, and Mablung helps quite a bit to speed that up - especially now that Horn of Gondor has little to no use as resource acceleration.

Oct 05, 2016 Durins_Son 35

Thank you for the comment. readying certainly is a pain when it comes to tactics, unless you want to ready for after an attack (Brand son of Bain, Merry and Rohan Warhorse come to mind). Pairing it with a spirit deck to give Theoden his horse, and perhaps his sword, is a very good idea, that way you would make the most use out of him.

Oct 05, 2016 Durins_Son 35

When rebuilding this deck I did see the resource problem, and although the horn (could've(I didn't draw into it and the Outlanders of my buddy were getting slaughtered)) helped me quite a bunch in the last game, I found Mablung to be the somewhat "perfect" solution. The only issue would be that you would miss out on a great attacker like Legolas, but you could always use Theoden instead (especially if he has his horse and blade). Mablung would be an amazing defender though, considering the use of the Gondorian shield. Mablung is one of those all round heroes that I really like and ally Legolas is pretty good aswell if you get Arod and a Rivendel Bow on him and perhaps with a Rainment of War en Defender. I have yet to try the Mablung version, but I really like the look of it. The only that I'm wondering is if the Master Ironsmith would be worth including in either version of this deck.

Oct 05, 2016 Erisau19 26

You could use Master Ironsmith to put Herugrim on Théoden to buff him up if you can get some readying from a spirit player. This would mean less of a realiance on another deck and perhaps make it more feasible for multiplayer considering that a spirit player hopefully wouldn't mind throwing in just Snowmane to get Theoden rolling. Great deck!