The End of All Noldor

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Jtothemac 475

I figured I would jump on the bandwagon of At the End of All Things contract. At first, I was a bit underwhelmed by it, but with this deck, it can supercharge it.

Overview This is a fairly unique Vilya approach, in that I want to land every time -- so no doubles on unique cards. Andúril plays a pretty big role here and necessitates either Doughty Ranger or Nor am I a Stranger on Glorfindel (and both on Elrond if you want it to go on him). If you don't like playing with the ALEP cards, you can remove all copies of those cards and replace them with the side board deck cards, which turns this into a pseudo-pipe deck. I know the fact that I am carrying only one copy of each necessary card might scare some people, but trust me, there is enough strength in this deck to limp through most quests when things go south.

Early Game Opening hand, you want either Light of Valinor or Strider, and you would love both of them. I've run hands with Vilya if they don't pop with some mixed success. Otherwise, you are turtling. They both quest for 4, so about as good as you will get with no boosts. They're both great for combat and have a healthy pool to ready each other for some fun. There is no limit to the amount of damage you can place to ready each other, but just keep in mind you cannot heal until round 4. I've included a solid amount of card draw, but really you are looking for those two quest-without-exhausting cards.

Once the contract flips Except in a weird situation where you have plenty of health left on your heroes and need some extra readies for combat that round, you will want to flip the contract at the beginning of round four. I've included a few healing cards and remember that Elrond works for an extra (so Song of Healing is one discard for two health, and Magic Ring is one threat for two health). Then, of course, you get your 6 resources and two cards of choice. Here is my priority list, and hopefully you have at least one of these five in play or in your hand already:

  1. Strider -> put on Glorfindel
  2. Vilya
  3. Light of Valinor
  4. Gandalf
  5. Wizard Pipe
  6. Andúril (assuming you have at least one of the trait adding cards)

Midgame From this point forward, your two boys work at getting juiced up with everyone's favorite Istari -- No, not that one. We will slowly be Vilya-ing his pieces in and if you have his pipe, this actually becomes quite simple. All the while, you are keeping your threat down as you no doubt put some on the dial early with Glorfindel 's ability and will keep putting an extra 2 as long as you keep Gandalf in. There is much fun to be had -- Wild Stallion, Shadowfax, Gandalf's Staff, Narya... you can even play Glamdring if you want! (only 2 restricted, though, so you cant have the wild steed, sword and the staff). At this point, you will have three absolute studs questing for 12 + attachment bonuses, all ready.

End Game Okay, so if you haven't won yet, it's because there's a Balrog in front of you. You know what that means -- yep, time to supercharge Glorfindel. Because I snuck Nor am I a Stranger in this deck for the sake of giving our heroes a trait for Andúril, it opened up another fun combo -- Herugrim. I'm sure you can see where this is going...

Assuming you can get Nor am I a Stranger, Herugrim, Strider, Thorongil (to go fetch the ALEP version of Glorfindel) and Andúril on him, our boy Glorfy will attack for 16... before you play Fair and Perilous to get him to 23. I am not sure if Fair and Perilous stacks, but if so, you could pump him up to 37. I think in that case Stone of Elostirion plays better than Andúril, and naturally you'll want to hold your Elrond's Counsel to boost it even more.

Just for fun There are a couple superfluous cards in here, such as Thalion who will join the other three heavy hitters being ready in the combat phase, assuming you clear either Double Back or Gather Information. (I really wanted to include another side quest to get him up to hero status, but it really seemed like I would be turtling longer than three rounds just to pull that off. Though given my desire for WP boost above, maybe I should include Rally the West...) Silver Lamp is a staple of mine in a Spirit Glorfy deck, and combos well with Gandalf's Staff. Feel free to tweak this and let me know what you've notice works well.

Why is Folco Boffin in the sideboard? Remove At the End of All Things and replace with Folco if you are Escaping from Dol Guldur (yes, this deck beat it solo).


Oct 31, 2022 kjeld 642

"There is no limit to the amount of damage you can place to ready each other, but just keep in mind you cannot heal until round 4" -- Note that you do have to exhaust the contract, so it's effectively limited to once per round.