A Elbereth! Shenanigans!

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NERD 808

This is a deck I hastily through together, focusing on a very stupid idea. Using Vanish from Sight to ignore Saruman's negative ability. While I'm not sure if it works, the concept is simple: Vanish from Sight temporarily sets your threat to twenty while A Elbereth! Gilthoniel! ends up lowering it without Saruman's ability triggering. I am fairly certain that this works. I don't think Vanish from Sight triggers Saruman's ability, as your threat is not actually lowered. I also don't think A Elbereth! Gilthoniel! triggers Saruman's ability, as it is raising your threat. However, the end result is a far lower threat. However, if someone smarter than me says that this combo does not work, add in the Sideboard cards for the shenanigans ones to make this a functioning Helm of Secrecy into Aragorn deck. Ignoring the combo, this deck is very potent.

Saruman is fantastic with the contract. He has built-in readying and beefy stats. Beregond lowers threat and can take A Burning Brand because of the contract. All the doomed events, Strider and Unexpected Courage provide plenty of readying. Steward of Orthanc can charge cards like Daeron's Runes, allowing them to generate extra cards and action advantage. This deck really does not need much to function. Firyal would probably be a good inclusion to find after the contract flips. Regardless, this is just a stupid idea. However, stupid ideas are my favorite. Otherwise, everyone would just play Glorfindel.

Have Fun,



Nov 17, 2022 Seastan 42196

No the combo doesn't work: ffg-forum-archive.entropicdreams.com

Nov 17, 2022 NERD 808

@Seastan Thanks for letting me know. Ok, out of curiosity, does it work without Saruman?

Nov 17, 2022 Seastan 42196

Yes it does, and it's great! I've got a two hero deck that even runs Legacy of NĂºmenor because of how powerful the threat reduction from that combo is.