What if... Pippin TOOK the Ring!

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Card draw simulator
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

lorunks 481

Let's assume, for some odd reason, that Bilbo left the ring to.... Pippin!

The idea of this deck is to imagine Merry and Pippin at Mount Doom (not the specific end of Saga quest!), throwing the Ring instead of Frodo and Sam. This was a joke at the beginning, but, using the new At the End of All Things contract, the deck works! You only need to stand the first 3/4 turns, but then with an army of Ent, you'll fly!

Control your threat with The Shirefolk and Woodmen's Clearing a the beginning, then with Secret Vigil in late game.

Mulligan for Strider, or Ithilien Lookout or some 2-cost Ents.

When you flip the contract, you can choose whatever you need in that moment: both Friend of Friends, or Treebeard and Quickbeam, or Fast Hitchand Dagger of Westernesse. The combinations are a lot, and can be adjusted to quest and board-state.

You'll have 4 turns in which you will not want to engage enemies, keeping your threat low and increasing your willpower then, starting from turn 5, Ent will smash the encounter deck. Sideboard is there for specific fix, if needed.

Lots of choice to be taken, fun and effective deck. Thanks Alep team for this contract!


Mar 05, 2023 doomguard 1976

they will fail. at least if you take it seriously. this is not a good deck for mount doom.

if not for destroying the ring, it could work, but you should really include Resourceful the biggest boon of secrecy.

overall, i think a The Grey Wanderer with one of them and starting with a song of the other sphere would be better.

Mar 05, 2023 lorunks 481

The deck is not intended for Mount Doom the quest, allies and other things will not work. The Mount Doom reference was to imagine a different couple of hobbits togheter at the end of all thigs. Also Resourceful cannot be used with the contract!

Mar 05, 2023 doomguard 1976

another reason why The Grey Wanderer would be better

Mar 05, 2023 lorunks 481

Probably, but then you are not using the new contract, which is the idea of the deck :)

Mar 05, 2023 NERD 808

Nice pun in the title and idea! I wonder if more secrecy cards and Vanish from Sight would be worthwhile. It would certainly be more fun. I would add a third Drinking Song. It's so strong. I would do the same for Fast Hitch.