Speedy Silvans

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teamjimby 925

This is my current Silvan deck that includes several new cards from the Sands of Harad box. Typically what I have encountered running tri-sphere Silvan decks in the past is that you often can't play anything on turn 1 because the allies mostly cost 2+, so they can be too slow on that crucial turn 1. This deck ramps up a lot faster than some of the Silvan decks I've played in the past, and I've been having a lot of fun with it.

The hero lineup is pretty straightforward. Celeborn is a must and Galadriel is great because of her interaction with allies bouncing in and out of play. Bifur has been my preferred lore hero because of his low threat and access to King Under the Mountain (which I currently took out of the deck), but now he also unlocks Unlikely Friendship.

The new cards from the Sands of Harad box are Unlikely Friendship and Greenwood Archer. Unlikely Friendship is a great card in this deck because it gives you a 2nd resource in any sphere on turn 1, which allows you to get out a Naith Guide or Galadriel's Handmaiden for a big willpower boost. And since you get to draw another card right away, it has zero downside. Greenwood Archer is great if you are lucky enough to jump him in during combat with The Tree People, but this deck can also use his ability during planning thanks to Captain's Wisdom which makes the archer basically free.

Some other fun combos include:

I'm running pretty light on attachments in order to maximize the effectiveness of The Tree People and Galadhrim Minstrel. King Under the Mountain, Steward of Gondor, and extra copies of O Lórien! or Light of Valinor could be effective. Maybe even Mirror of Galadriel if you are into that. I took out King Under the Mountain because I tend to have plenty of draw and I often don't want to bury the The Tree People or Unlikely Friendship on the top of my discard pile.

In your opening hand the best cards are Unlikely Friendship and O Lórien! for the resource acceleration. Galadhrim Weaver is also great (especially if you can recycle an Unlikely Friendship right away) because they are cheap targets for Feigned Voices and The Tree People. Captain's Wisdom is a good starter card, especially if you have Greenwood Archer or Unexpected Courage to immediately pay for its cost. Silvan Trackers are also great with their ability to passively heal huge amounts of damage. With an Unlikely Friendship you can even get them in play on turn 1.

In general, the main ally you want to be bouncing in and out of play is the Weaver because she is the cheapest and lets you recycle the events. Galadhrim Minstrel is probably your second best option, or the Galadhrim Healer if you need it. Most of the other allies are pretty effective remaining on the table.

Give it a spin and let me know what you think. I've been pretty impressed by how much a little resource acceleration has changed this deck.


Dec 09, 2016 toxiczammy 175

I love your idea with this deck, and I love running silvan decks in general. I am especially proud of my latest silvan deck that I have created, but I think I might have to take your idea and twist it a bit. I would like to see what I could do with a different dwarf hero. I love it when other people get my gears churning!

Dec 09, 2016 Beorn 13471

Unlikely Friendship is such a great card - I love that you included it here. The one other card that could see, to super-charge the card draw even further, is King Under the Mountain. This is a nice take on the Silvan deck.

Dec 09, 2016 Beorn 13471

Ah, I missed it from the Sideboard.

Dec 10, 2016 WingfootRanger 2663

Nice! This is pretty much the silvan deck I envisioned when I saw Unlikely Friendship.