NOT THE BEEEES! (MD - Beornings Alternative)

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Mormegil 4857

This deck is part of Mormegil’s Deckbox, an effort to create an extensive catalogue of decks for the different archetypes, themes and playing styles available to players. Click here to check out the whole project.

Preferred Player Count: 3-4

Rating: .5


A very fun and somewhat janky deck starring the Beorning/direct damage theme and using Beorning Beekeeper (who is not a bad card in the right deck at the right playercount) alongside Thalin, Messenger of the King Anborn and a host of other direct damage cards. The idea is simple - damage all the enemies with Thalin/Anborn while using cards such as Sneak Attack, Horns! Horns! Horns! or Beorning Skin-changer to cheaply get the Beekeeper into play for some further wounds. The damage should start to stack, often rendering a lot of enemy attacks mute.

How To Play

Draw is the big achilles heel of the deck so seeing either Gandalf alongside Sneak Attack/Horns or Elven-light early on really helps out. Other cards I like to see are your resource accelerators (like Steward of Gondor (which can also be played somewhere else but is really good on Thalin to help you with your high density of high-cost tactics allies) or Legacy of Númenor/The Seeing-stone).


Éowyn is a good replacement for Arwen if she is unavailable. Longbeard Orc Slayer (especially alongside To me! O my kinsfolk!) is very fun in orc-heavy quests but useless otherwise, so I decided to just put him in the sideboard. If location worry you, Northern Tracker can always do a job, Campfire Tales and Man the Walls are cards I would run for sure if you go into a 4-player-game with this deck.
