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In Play
Discard Pile
victarion_seaworth 37
I thought about other heroes that can be used as cool Grey Wanderers, and I stumbled upon Ingold. Not only has he a very strong base 3 and built in draw, but his 2 can also be raised and used effectively. Starting attachment is the obvious Strider, but you can also try the Gondorian Shield for 4 in setup.
The allies are just standard swarming stuff, with a bit of support for Ingold to not have him collapse while defending. Built for a consistent power, some emergency defenders and tons of with Faramir and Rammas Lookout.
The attachments are mainly oriented for Defense and resource-gain, as well as the Visionary Leadership for the global boost and Lord of Morthond for a bit more draw, same as the sidequest Prepare for Battle.
The events are just for cheating allies in and some more global boosts/ready with For Gondor! and Strength of Arms.
General strategy: Mulligan for Steward of Gondorand some of the defense attachments. Try to grab Visionary Leadership a Rammas Sentry as soon as you can to get some safety and consistency. Defend with Ingold rather than an ally like the Knight of the White Tower to get the Contract triggered effectively for resources and readying. If there's too big of an attack, you can still chump-block with Herald of AnĂ³rien or Squire of the Citadel. You should use Ingold's ability with threat increase mostly, as your 10 starting threat allows you lot of room to play with and you still got Gandalf if it gets critical.
it has potential, but i would include:
and make it the full road:
Golden Belt is also something to consider, as Master of the Forge