For Arwen !

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Card draw simulator
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tigormiti 907


This is a Caldara deck quick at finding the combo pieces for the One Big Turn with Caldara. It leverages the powerful doomed event cards in order to put into play Prince Imrahil and Sword-thain ASAP. Aragorn resets the threat afterwards.

The Heroes

  • Caldara : what else?
  • Aragorn is used to reset the threat generated by the doomed event cards. After the One Big Turn, he becomes disposable, hence the inclusion of The Fall of Gil-Galad. Sacrificing him also ensures that even after bringing back Caldara using Fortune or Fate, Prince Imrahil stays a hero.
  • Arwen Undómiel : Her discarding ability allows to set up the discard pile for Caldara, while generating resources. She’s there to stay.

The Allies

The allies are few but resilient. The reason they are so few is that you will find them anyway, as the deck has so much draw. The main ally combo is the duo of Gamling and Háma. The latter can defend twice at 5, and Gamling can bring him back. He can also defend once, be used for Helm! Helm!, and still be saved by Gamling. Westfold Horse-Breaker is the cheapest ally. As such, Sword-thain can go on him.

How to play the deck

For your starting hand, you’re looking for draw events, Prince Imrahil and/or Sword-thain. Then it’s a matter of deciding when to play out the doomed events in order to set up Caldara. The more resources you have, the better. You can buy yourself a few turns with Elrond's Counsel, keeping enemy engagement at a reasonable level until you’re ready. During the preparation turns, use Arwen Undómiel and Daeron's Runes to set up the discard pile with high-costed allies. During the One Big Turn, play as many doomed events as possible, knowing that Aragorn will reset the threat during the next refresh phase. Don’t forget that to play Legacy of Númenor, you need A Good Harvest. Then sacrifice Caldara and enjoy.

Multiplayer play

In multiplayer play, you probably want to include Desperate Alliance to share Aragorn’s ability.


Sep 02, 2019 Celia 1

Sword-Thain only goes on unique ally.