Glorfindel+Elrond+Galadriel (27) - Almost perfect combo

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This deck i made only with card up to "Celembribor's Secret" adventure pack (nightmare version). It's really fun the way this three characters work togheter. I know there are 55 cards, which is pretty much, but with Galadriel's effect, deep knowledge and daeron's runes, you can get cards out pretty fast, including the combo Elrond+Vilya+Unexpected Courage. Also, one copy of Unexpected Courage i use for Galadriel once i get Nenya out, and the other one for Elrond, so i can use Vilya and then defend with him. Gondorian Shield brought up with the help of A Good Harvest, Steward of Gondor, also with the help of a good harvest, are meant for Elrond. A Burning Brand is also for him. Also, Rivendell Blade, Asfaloth and Light of Valinor are made for Glorfindel. As far as allies go, the combinations of Ents plus Westfold Horse-breeder who can bring out Asfaloth, Master of the Forge for attachments, Imladris Stargazer for helping you control what Elrond+Vilya will bring on the table is, in most cases, sufficient. Questing power should not be an issue, Glorfindel+Light of Valinor+ Galadriel with Nenya would bring out 7 from start, and the Ethir Swordsman and Arwen Undómiel shoul be enough for questing. Also i put Henamarth Riversong for looking up at cards in advance and some cheap allies, like Vassal of the Windlord and Anfalas Herdsman for chump blocking or, in the case of the Vassal of the Windlord, for bringing down an enemy very fast. I find it one of the most perfect combinations in the game, including the Warden of Healing + Elrond's passive response.