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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

eldub 693

For my money, this deck is one of the best pure multiplayer decks I've played. Every card in the main deck (and the sideboard, depending on what the other decks are up to) is dedicated helping the party get over top of the encounter deck from turn 1.


Let me head the initial criticism off at the pass...I know that there are serious problems here with conflict in terms of cards, namely: Beregond, Éowyn, Galadriel, and Arwen Undómiel.

If you have to switch out, I think there are ways to finagle the deck to still work (you could get a Glorfindel package and lower the starting and Círdan the Shipwright and/or Arwen Undómiel to achieve many of the same purposes, maybe...).

I chose mono- for this build, because there are multiple options in-sphere to recur key events like the cancels: Dwarven Tomb and Map of Earnil.

In terms of hero lineup, I was thinking that Éowyn lets you ditch Elven-light to get a bit of your own card draw (while also providing a bit of extra to control the quest phase) going while reserving Ancient Mathom to set up players around the table who need the cards; that Beregond is just the ultimate multiplayer hero, coupled with Arwen Undómiel and Desperate Defense; and that Galadriel can jumpstart anyone at the table or be held back once she gets Nenya.

Allies are super questers, with Jubayr being a secondary tank and cancellation option. Northern Tracker can be replaced with any number of allies from the sideboard, but since I was looking to publish the most general version possible, it's in there. Use Envoy of Pelargir and Galadriel's Handmaiden on other players.

Magic Ring is kind of an emergency button if you haven't found a few key pieces to get going. Otherwise, just throw it across table and make someone happy. Map of Earnil is generally reserved to recur Dwarven Tomb, The Galadhrim's Greeting, or Desperate Defense.

Event package is pretty simple. Cancel stuff, buff Beregond, lower , and draw when you can.

I threw in some side quests for funsies. They're all super useful if you see them, and they're Éowyn fodder if you draw them too late or don't need the effect immediately. You could do pretty much anything with those...


There isn't a true mulligan condition, but Elven-light is really good to see, as are any of the cancelling events or a side quest. Unexpected Courage is phenomenal if you can dig deep enough for Nenya, or vice versa.

Just focus on questing with everyone you can while defending with Beregond and Jubayr. Cancel everything you can...

A Note on the Sideboard

There are probably infinite cards you could put here...

Dunedain Pathfinder + West Road Traveller offer some location control.

Rider of the Mark is kinda a cool card that offers some conditional Sentinel and shadow cancellation, so it's a consideration if you want it.

Rider of Rohan is baller, but since there isn't a reliable way to grab a side quest unless someone else tosses one into the staging area or one pops out of the encounter deck.

The Mirror of Galadriel + Silver Harp package is there if you're really intent on just digging deep and maximizing Éowyn triggers. I love this version, but it's way more focused on your own deck, rather than the other players at the table.

Thrór's Key is pretty more control.

Elwing's Flight is just a pet card. I like it, and it's cool with Éowyn.

Power of Orthanc...duh.

Stand and Fight is super fun in multiplayer, especially when folks are running so many other spheres. You can find some unexpected combos popping off with this card in there.

Thanks for reading. Hope yall enjoy.