Revised Core Set Only - Perfect Starter Decks for 2 Players
kyoshiro3000 137
First of all, the initial costs of these 2 decks are low (below 30), so they are also useful for all the scenarios of the core set, but they worked pretty well against "Escape from Dol Guldur" that I won at my very first attempt.
The first deck with Aragorn and Théodred can allow you to use as many Allies as possible while questing with Aragorn for free thanks to Theodred's power. Legolas staying ready for combat if required. Then, Blade of Gondolin and Dwarven Axe are good cards to be used on Legolas, so he can destroy any enemy easily, which will allow him to put tokens on the quest.
Also, I have tried to select cheap allies who can be played easily like Gondorian Spearman or Snowbourn Scout. So if you can attach the Steward of Gondor to Aragorn, it will become easy to put in play a lot of Allies to defend and/or quest. Attaching Celebrían's Stone to Aragorn is a must-have to.
The famous combo Sneak Attack plus Gandalf remains in the deck.
All the tactics events like Feint, Rain of Arrows or Quick Strike are also cheap cards, but very useful to avoid any enemy to attack.
On the other hand, the second deck with Éowyn is used to quest as much as possible. Keeping Dúnhere ready to use him to attack enemies in the staging area is a good idea, while Beravor allows you to get 2 cards per turn, which is very useful at the beginning to build a large hand with a lot of possibilities.
The objective is to gain time with this deck to be fully prepared to face stronger enemies coming later in the game (like the Nazgul), so cheap cards like A Test of Will and Dwarven Tomb are precious.
But more than that Forest Snare is a must-have against all strong enemies while Unexpected Courage can be used on Dunhere or Legolas to allow then to defend and then attack!
The three copies of The Galadhrim's Greeting should help you to keep a very low threat during all the game, in order to control which enemy you may want to engage in combat.
In case you have only the revised core set, these 2 decks do a pretty good job! Give them a try.