Sail To Valinor

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Nickpes 39

This deck is made from my love on the Noldors and their history from YoT till Third Age. More than that it is an attempt to use Gildor Inglorion and Glorfindel allies, to turn them in your weapons to quest, attack and defend ... or even more turn them into heroes eventually including the Sword-thain in the deck . Both of them are among my favourite characters in Tolkien Lore.

My three heroes are the best suited for a deck with the title "Sail To Valinor"

CĂ­rdan the Shipwright with Narya and a Light of Valinor or Unexpected Courage has the possibility to quest and then exhaust to use his rings ability on Gildor Inglorion and Glorfindel. The three of them alone can have a quest power of 10, without the need of other questing characters.

But they are both allies so not in play from the start. There comes Galadriel and her Mirror of Galadriel, which along the Silver Harp can make sure that after a couple of turn either of them will be at hand, if they do not appear on their own. If none of these appear there is Galdor of the Havens with more than 9 potential discard cards in your starting hand to use in order to draw some more.

To the Sea, to the Sea! can help with the allies high cost, especially since there are 9 cards ( Elven-light, Lords of the Eldar and Glorfindel himself) which can be played from the discard pile, as well as multiple copies of unique cards that can also be discarded.

Steward of Gondor on Galadriel can pay for both Spirit and Lore cards when her ring is attached, while Master of the Forge can be of help when looking for the precious attachments.

The rest of the allies can boost certain areas of the game, most of them are well known to most players. The three members of the family can quest, attack and defend,Guardian of Rivendell is a solid defender while Imladris Caregiver will heal and Master of the Forge brings attachments which are very crucial to the deck, especially till Galadriel gets her Mirror up and running.

Starting threat is a bit high but Galadriel can help keeping it low

As Sideboard cards are Lindon Navigator, who can be of use in quests with Sailing tests (or even without), while Ride Them Down ot Tides of Fate can be of help when there are enemies early on and defence is not an easy task since it is difficult to have either Gildor Inglorion or Guardian of Rivendell played from turn one, bearing in mind that our heroes are not good defenders.

To make the deck a bit more for fun (though difficult to happen) you could attach Sword-thain on Gildor Inglorion or Glorfindel turning them to heroes. Then Glorfindel can have Asfaloth. The difficult here is to decide which cards to remove for the attachments you need.

Maybe not all of these can be accomplished in a quest, but there are enough different aproaches players can have depending on their opening hand

This is a deck I have used a lot, clearly cannot cope with all quests but it is thematic and for all of us who love Noldor it can be a lot of fun.