Take Back the Caves

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Birdman137 111

This is the deck I built to beat The Caves of Nibin-Dum. Incidentally, this is probably the best Gondor deck I have built. I kept having trouble questing strong enough on stages 2 and 4 to move past them quickly. There are also a lot of strong enemies that cannot have attachments (my trap deck didn't do so great). The key to this quest is to stall on stage 1 until you have built up your board state and are ready to move on.

Denethor is the primary defender and gets A Burning Brand and Gondorian Shield. If there is nothing to defend he can use is personal ability. Boromir is mainly an attacker though he can service as a defender as well if you put a Gondorian Shield on him. Horn of Gondor and Gondorian Fire also go on Boromir. Prince Imrahil is the swiss army knife in this deck. He is mostly utilized for questing early in the game since there is not much other questing power from the start. I'll give him the cave torch against The Caves of Nibin-Dum. Steward of Gondor, Visionary Leadership, CelebrĂ­an's Stone, and Gondorian Fire also go on him. Once he has Visionary Leadership and Faramir is out, he isn't typically needed for questing any more. At that point, I usually stockpile him with resources so he can quickly dispatch enemies with Gondorian Fire.

Erestor, Gléowine, and Daeron's Runes provide very good card draw. There are plenty of dead cards in the deck for Erestor and Daeron's runes to target. Gandalf provides much needed threat reduction and early card draw if needed. Envoy of Pelargir, Guard of the Citadel, and Warden of Healing become excellent questers when Faramir and Visionary Leadership are out.

Miner of the Iron Hills is there purely to remove Watchful Eyes. If you are playing another quest, you could substitute any Lore ally you wanted pretty easily. Horn of Gondor, Son of Arnor, Vassal of the Windlord, and Feint could also be swapped out for other cards depending on the quest.

This deck has good all around potential if you can take the time to get it set up. Questing, Defending, and Attack are all pretty strong once the main attachments are in play. I typically mulligan for Steward of Gondor which helps you get set up quicker.


Mar 15, 2022 Turgon 576

What about Denethor and Boromir? They power Gondor decks very well...Though I guess this is less of a Gondor Swarm.

Mar 15, 2022 Birdman137 111

I don't own leadership hero Denethor, but even if I did, A Burning Brand, Gleowine, and Daeron's Runes are important to the deck so I would probably keep him for access to Lore. As for Boromir, I don't really need the attack boost since I have Gondorian Fire and I'd rather have access to Tactics and the ability to ready him on demand.