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FingolfinFate 15

This is probably the one deck with the most fun slash power value out there. What makes it especially entertaining is the fact that almost every time one draws a card, it is useful. And almost every game feels different and fresh.

The Storm Comes is almost always the choice of a sidequest, then Prepare for Battle as second. With Thurundir’s ability, there is a good chance to have two sidequests at the start of the game. Once the Storm is cleared, and with the great hero lineup it should be right away, allies will show up quickly and strong. The saga quests make this even more fun, having five resources to begin with. Both Éowyn and Glorfindel are great at Quick Strike, or Oath of Eorl once you have someone from Gondor (in which Steward can help). Options for card draw can multiple quickly, starting with Gildor Inglorion (who’s the best Steward candidate with Heed the Dream in mind).

At the first glance, defense seems like the biggest issue of the deck, with none of the heroes being able to defend effectively. The allies come to rescue with many a candidate and Hold the Line is amazing here, with the readying bonus often not needed as the allies ready themselves (Vigilant Dúnadan, Boromir or Treebeard).


Jun 06, 2022 doomguard 2006

imprssive, 4 good heroes and startingthread of 28 (eowyn is not included)

would replace The Free Peoples with Sword-thain and 1 Ranger of Cardolan with Helm of Secrecy

then it has chances to be good "one deck"

Jun 06, 2022 NERD 808

Why not use Feint over Quick Strike?

Jun 06, 2022 NERD 808

I also think that A Test of Will is a must include for a one deck.

Jun 06, 2022 NERD 808

Lastly, Beregond might help out better for defense while keeping a low threat. If you make this change, add A Test of Will or Unexpected Courage for Light of Valinor. Wingfoot would also make a good addition.

Jun 06, 2022 doomguard 2006

Quick Strike over Feint because of Éowyn.

playing solo, the treacheries are not this killing and the real killing treacheries are mostly not in the so called "gauntlett" and if, the Helm of Secrecy could help to get Eleanor in.

the biggest defense first round(s) is threat of 28, and then Quick Strike + Éowyn or Tale of Tinúviel or Hold the Line.

about 3. round there should be a treebeard, vigilant dunedain, a bear or a guardian of rivendell out there preferably with a Wild Stallion and/or Arwen Undómiel

Jun 07, 2022 FingolfinFate 15

Thanks for the comment. I know I sometimes tend to be nostalgic about certain cards even though they’re win-more types. There are quests when The Free Peoples make a difference but it is probably not the most effective card in general. Oath of Eorl is perhaps even more extreme though it is so satisfying to take out enemies with it, including immune. Quick Strike is indeed great (and better than Feint) against some annoying enemies like Haradrim Soldier. Whom would you use Helm of Secrecy for, and instead of whom? Flexible options or a more specific plan?

Jun 07, 2022 FingolfinFate 15

As for A Test of Will, I kinda take pride in not including it sometime, and Halfling Bounder does the job well, he is more expensive but you don’t need to keep the resource for questing, and with Storm, it is in fact neutral. Finally he can do his bit, helping with quest or combat a little, before being used for cancelling. As for a defender, there are so many options that it is extremely unlucky not to have one in second round in the vast majority of quests.

Jun 07, 2022 doomguard 2006

helm can be used to get Galadriel or a emergency- Folco Boffin

if you need more fighting power or ranged, you can take Legolas or his spiritersion.