Dúnhere & Tacteowyn

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
Dúnhere & Tacteowyn 3 2 0 1.0
Inspiration for
Dúnhere & Tacteowyn, Fastred edition 8 1 0 3.0
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Flrbb 170

Flrbb has a newer deck inspired by this one: Dúnhere & Tacteowyn, Fastred edition


While beeing a kind of secrecy deck - with a starting threat of 19 and lots of reduction - it does not have any secrecy cards. The concept is just to not engage the enemies and kill them with Dunhere in the staging area, this is where a low threat is usefull.

Card draw.

Lots of card drawing cards helping to get the (mostly cheap cards) into your hand.

Resources and Smoothing.

There is no extra resource generation, but as most cards cost 1 less you can play most cards right from your hand. This is also why I did include Spare Hood and Cloak and not Unexpected Courage. The concept of both cards is the same; ready Dúnhere for each enemy in the stagin area once (and attack).

Depending on your drawing luck blue or red resources may pile up. Use Treebeard and Gandalf to smoothen your resources.


Dúnhere gets the first two weapon attachments. Ideally this will be two times Spear of the Mark, but at least one and one Dagger of Westernesse, so that Glorfindel can also get two weapon attachments. Éowyn grabs Golden Shield and Snowmane. As most enemies will be slain in the staging area this is just some sort of emergency defender - having both attachments for her asap is not necessary.

Most high- enemies also won't be slain on the round they enter play, so take your time (turns :D ) and attach Secret Vigil to enemies with at least 3 . Toss in a Elrond's Counsel whenever you need to finish of an active location. Whenever you are first player attach a Ancient Mathom to a location which will be complete this round. With Northern Tracker and Rhovanion Outrider it will be easy to controll which location is explored.

Ideal Starting Hand:

When playing solo you want to have Light of Valinor in your hand. Two weapons would also be of good use, especially in multiplayer (so that you can kill each round one enemy).


The deck right now is build up for playing solo. You can optimize it for multiplayer. Depending on the AP you play you will (mostly) not be engaged. That is why Treebeard is not a viable choice. Swap him for Legolas. He is ranged and also helps drawing cards.

Rivendell Bow makes Glorfindel also ranged. Captain of Gondor adds one attack point more to either Glorfindel or Dunhere.

Because there are some unique attachments and there is no use of these cards in your hand, you can add also some Trollshaw Scouts. As they sholud not pop up early I'd add only two of them. Another card to give the spare cards a use would be Guardian of Rivendell, but as they are not ranged or sentinel their use is limited in multiplayer.

When playing with a healer you don't need the Honour Guards. They will make room for (some of the) the above cards.

When your style of play doesn't fit to Spare Hood and Cloak swap them for Unexpected Courage.

For more resouce smoothing: Envoy of Pelargir. For even more multiplayer support: Galadhon Archer. Depending on the mission you can add The Galadhrim's Greetings.


Oct 26, 2016 Flrbb 170

Changed some cards because of this post:
