Beravor the White

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Beravor the Grey 6 2 2 1.0
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MyopicPlatypus 36

This is my take on a Beravor Grey Wanderer deck. Use Beravor with the contract each turn during the prep phase to net 3 cards and 3 resources a turn.

All of the attachments cost 0, 1, or 2 and they all go on Beravor.

While most of the allies cost 3, 4, or 5, you're almost always able to pay 1 for them early game via Sneak Attack, Timely Aid, or Ranger of Cardolan's ability.

Once you get Resourcefulx3, Necklace of Girion, and Steward of Gondor out, you're able to generate 10 resources a turn including the contract and Magic Ring if you don't mind raising your threat.

Protector of Lórien + Reforged is a great way to cheat unique attachments like Ring of Barahir and Steward of Gondor into play by using the contract to play reforged in the prep phase.

Word of Command is great for the turns when you pay to play Gandalf or Saruman because it lets you get one of the many 1x attachments in the deck.

The sideboard is part cards that I want to try and add and also cards that I would swap in/out based on whether you're playing multiplayer or if you want to run more doom. The deck feels fast enough and consistent enough without Daeron's Runes and Deep Knowledge, but your mileage may vary. I don't know what to cut, and I've decked out below 25 threat before.

This deck is really fun and I'd love yo hear your thoughts / suggestions.


Dec 23, 2022 doomguard 2006

choose Song of Kings as deaultattachement fasten the whole thing up. would in act then include Daeron's Runes and Drinking Song to get out as much Timely Aid as possible.

with ld from the start you can include more better allies e.g Gimli, Faramir and Knight of Dale

you can only use 1 ringcard per turn so i would discard Strength and Courage and Well Preserved and Power of Command

starting with Song of Kings you do not need Song of Travel its only good or Ring of Barahir. you will hae more allies faster, so you can defend the save ones with Beravor + Inner Strength and chump or Gaffer Gamgee the big ones.

Necklace of Girion is ot in your list, and i think you do not need it. with Steward of Gondor and Resourceful +contract you have enough res.

doing as i propose, you have only about 5 attachements left, that need spirit or tactic, so you can skip Reforged and should have enough room. if not i would cut some Wellinghall Preserver